

茫然不知所措对应英文:At a loss as to

当我告诉他们说, 他们的父母已经走了, 他们显得茫然不知所措。对应英文:When I told them that their parents had already gone, they seemed bewildered.

人类应该对这些变化负责,但是人们看来好像茫然不知所措。对应英文:Human beings should be responsible for these changes, but it seems like people at a loss.

推荐引擎在文化对话中引入了一种新的声音,一个在我们最茫然不知所措的时候为我们指明方向的声音,一个在购买之时向我们建议的声音。对应英文:Recommendation engines in cultural dialogue introduces a new voice, a for us in our most bewildered direction of voice, a voice at the time of purchase to our suggestion.

推荐引擎在文化对话中引入了一种新的声音,一个在我们最茫然不知所措的时候为我们指明方向的声音,一个在购买之时向我们建议的声音。对应英文:Recommendation engines in cultural dialogue introduces a new voice, a for us in our most bewildered direction of voice, a voice at the time of purchase to our suggestion.

由于失业攀升,生产萧条,通胀高飞,卢布急跌,加上预算拮据,普通俄国人对接下来会发生什么茫然不知所措。对应英文:Due to rising unemployment, the production of depression, inflation gallops, the rouble tumbled, with budgets, ordinary butt down at a loss as to what would happen to the Russian.

当我告诉他们说, 他们的父母已经走了, 他们显得茫然不知所措。对应英文:When I told them that their parents had already gone, they seemed bewildered.

但他们好像是茫然不知所措,应付不过来了。对应英文:But they seem to be at a loss as to, can't handle.

当你慢慢向我走来的那一刻,脸颊绯红, 我茫然不知所措。我把那双害羞的手,深深地埋进了口袋。对应英文:When you slowly walked over to me, that moment, flushed cheeks, I'm at a loss.

当他把显示屏打开时,他期待着看见丽莎,但是茫然不知所措的珊米却取代丽莎出现在屏幕上。对应英文:When he opened the screen, he is looking forward to see lisa, but at a loss as Sammy is replace lisa appears on the screen.

我一直焦急地等待一睹此精灵盛开时的绰约风姿,然当其真容玉立,我却被玫瑰如此之完美无瑕彻底征服,而茫然不知所措。对应英文:Bloom when I have been anxiously waiting to see the elves of magnificence, but when it makes slim, I was so perfect rose completely conquered, and bewildered.

他茫然不知所措地瞧着我,我想他准以为我喝多了香槟酒啦什么的。对应英文:He lost ground looked at me, I think he must think I drank too much champagne or something.

面对海洋般的词汇和小山般的试卷,你完全茫然不知所措?对应英文:In the face of a sea of vocabulary and the hills of the examination paper, you are totally at a loss?

许多的学生被现行的教育体制耽误了,他们在学校是优等生,处理实际问题就茫然不知所措。对应英文:Many of the students were delayed the current education system, is a top student at school, they handle the actual problem is bewildered.

这被睡莲覆盖的世界使它们好似置身于冰天雪地中,茫然不知所措。对应英文:This is covered by water lily in the world to make them like place oneself in ice and snow, bewildered.

自从听到那消息,我一直茫然不知所措。对应英文:Since heard the news, I have been at a loss.

从农村来的那个老太太被大城市的人流和交通搞得茫然不知所措。对应英文:The old lady from the country was bewildered by the crowds and traffic in the big cities.

所以当某人抓到一条20公斤的鱼,就茫然不知所措了。对应英文:So when someone caught a 20 kilograms of fish, is bewildered.

今年姚明需要成为火箭队整个赛季的场上核心,只有这样,在淘汰赛里需要姚明锁定比赛时,他才不会到时候茫然不知所措。对应英文:Yao needs to become the rockets season this year core, only in this way, in the knockout stages need yao Ming lock, he wouldn't at a loss as to you then.

繁荣 转眼之间就成了灾难,难怪不少希腊人茫然不知所措。对应英文:Prosperity suddenly became a disaster, it is no wonder that many greeks bewildered.

面对“操纵器”,人也许会感到茫然与不知所措、又或者可以从中体验到操纵的自得感和被操纵的无奈感。对应英文:In the face of "manipulator", people may feel puzzled and confused, or to experience the frustration of complacent feeling and manipulated.

他一脸茫然,不知所措,我知道他在正在搜刮正确答案。对应英文:He, with a clueless look on his face, I know he is in search of the right answer.

她们现在更经常显得目光茫然或者似乎不知所措,心理状态和实际遭遇挂不上钩。对应英文:They now more often appear staring vacantly or seeming disoriented, psychological state and the actual encounter don't rise to the bait.

当我在这网内苦苦挣扎、郁郁寡欢、不知所措、茫然失落的时候,也在无意中远离了过去的一切,远离了美丽洁白的月色!对应英文:When I was in this struggling network, unhappy and confused, at a loss, also inadvertently away from all the past, away from the beautiful white moonlight!

俗语茫然不知所措máng rán bù zhī suǒ cuò是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/713.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

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