

是骡子是马对应英文:Is the mule is horse

各位大虾:马和驴子的孩子是骡子吗?哈哈!对应英文:Each prawn: horse and the donkey's children is a mule?

希望大部分同学都知道,骡子是驴和马的一种组合。对应英文:Hope most of the students all know, the mule is a combination of a donkey and a horse.

骡子并不是一半的时间是驴,另一半的时间是马,我们不会看到它在两者之间来回变化,这不是我们所看到的情况。对应英文:Mule is not the time to half a donkey, and the other half of the time is a horse, we don't see it change back and forth between the two, this is not what we see.

各位大虾:马和驴子的孩子是骡子吗?哈哈!对应英文:Each prawn: horse and the donkey's children is a mule?

希望大部分同学都知道,骡子是驴和马的一种组合。对应英文:Hope most of the students all know, the mule is a combination of a donkey and a horse.

骡子并不是一半的时间是驴,另一半的时间是马,我们不会看到它在两者之间来回变化,这不是我们所看到的情况。对应英文:Mule is not the time to half a donkey, and the other half of the time is a horse, we don't see it change back and forth between the two, this is not what we see.

把马牵到或让骡子驮运货物到任何建筑物底层(一楼)以上的楼层是违法的。对应英文:Bring your horse or pack mule above the ground floor (ground floor) to any building is illegal.


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