

是骡子是马拉出来溜溜对应英文:Is the mule is horse out to walk

骡子比马有劲,虽然长的很像,但是一干活就看出来了,这个比喻就是说如果你真的有本事的话,就应该拿出本事让别人看看。这样别人就不会说出什么了对应英文:The mule is strong, although looks very like, but work on the look out, this analogy is that if you do, it should take the ability to let others have a look. So that others would not say what

. 不是成语,只能说是句俗语. . 据我所知,没有什么典故. . 意思就是 别光"练"嘴, 别虚张声势吓唬人,有没有本事,有多大本事,拿出"真东西"来比试比...对应英文:Not idioms, can only be described as saying. As far as I know, not what allusions. Means not light "Practicing" mouth, don't make an empty show of strength to scare people, have skill, have much big skill, take "the real thing" to try than...

你们谁也别争,咱们比武场上见!是骡子是马拉出来溜溜!对应英文:You who don't fight, we fight! Mara is the mule is out yo!

是一种不服气的说法,意思是说有没有本事,比一比就知道了.对应英文:Is a not convinced that, there are no ability, than to know

有什么本事亮出来,大概是"是骡子是马拉出来溜溜"的意思很常用的一句话,骂街掐架 挑衅竞赛 必备佳品对应英文:What skill bright out, probably "Mara is the mule is out Yo" mean is very common words, street fighting challenge competition essential Jiapin

是骡子是马--拉出来溜溜对应英文:Mule is a horse - drawn yo

骡个大,具有驴的负重能力和抵抗能力,有马的灵活性和奔跑能力,尤其是在偏远乡村农田里面使唤骡太多了,因为骡要比马省草料省的多,而且力量也比马大,是一种省吃能干的役...对应英文:A large, with donkey bearing ability and resistance, flexibility and ability to run a horse, especially too much in remote rural farmland inside me mule, because the mule to Pima province forage province many, but strength is bigger than a horse, is a province have competent service...

骡子比马有劲,虽然长的很像,但是一干活就看出来了,这个比喻就是说如果你真的有本事的话,就应该拿出本事让别人看看。这样别人就不会说出什么了。直译为" ...对应英文:The mule is strong, although looks very like, but work on the look out, this analogy is that if you do, it should take the ability to let others have a look. So that others would not say what. Literal translation"...

骡子是马驴杂交所生,虽身高力壮,却没有生育能力。这在过去农耕社会中,作用与价值就大大降低了,没有长期效益。所以,比喻让人拿出真本事比试比试或是如实表现。对应英文:The mule is horse cross, although height and strong, but not fertility. In the past the farming community, role and value has been greatly reduced, there is no long-term benefit. Therefore, metaphor let people take out real ability to fight or to show.

既具备一定的负重能力也具备较好的奔跑能力和灵活性。但是骡子(马骡)的奔跑能力和灵活性跟马相比还是存在区别的,所以"拉出来溜溜",通过对其奔跑和灵活性的观察,有经验...对应英文:Not only has a certain weight capacity also have good running ability and flexibility. But the mule (mule) or the existence of differences running ability and flexibility compared with the horse, so "pull out Yo", from the observation of the run and flexibility, experience...


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