

送我上青云对应英文:Send me the qingyun

万缕千丝终不改,任他随聚随分。韶华休笑本无 根,好风频借力,送我上青云。这首词的大意是春风仿佛也能理解柳絮,将它均匀地飘散在白玉堂前。比起狂蜂乱蝶,似乎它显得...对应英文:Countless ties do not change the end, let him with poly with. Shaohua laugh off the rootless, good wind frequency of leveraging, Qingyun on me. "This poem is the spring breeze as if also can understand the catkins, will it evenly scattered in before him. Compared with the sting chaos butterfly, it seems...

万缕千丝终不改,任他随聚随分。韶华休笑本无根,好风凭借力,送我上青云。 宝钗在与众人看词之前说过这样的话,"我想,柳絮原是一件轻薄无根无绊的东西,然依我的主意,...对应英文:Countless ties do not change the end, let him with poly with. Shaohua laugh off the rootless, good wind force, send me the albatron. In all the word before and she said, "I think, Liu is a frivolous rootless trip things, but in my mind,...

一任东西南北各分离"可是 薛宝钗 反其道而行之说 那我可以凭借"好风",送我直上云霄有评论家说 是她想要登上宝二奶奶的宝座野心的暗示姑妄听之但我不以为然对应英文:As the separation of the four corners of the world "but Xue Baochai act in a diametrically opposite way that I can rely on" good wind, "send me straight on the clouds have critics say she wanted to put on the two grandma's throne ambition that I just listen to without taking it seriously but not to regard it as right

好风凭借力 送我上青云 这是薛宝钗写的《柳絮词》里的一句对应英文:In virtue of wind to send me the Albatron Xue Baochai wrote that "the word in a sentence" willow catkin

几曾随流水,岂必委芳尘。万缕千丝终不改,任他随聚随分。韶华休笑本无根,好风频借力,送我上青云。 【诗词鉴赏】 宝钗在拿出她这首词之前,有这样一段议论"我想,柳絮原...对应英文:A few had with water, it will appoint fragrant dust. Countless ties do not change the end, let him with poly with. Shaohua laugh off the rootless, good wind frequency of leveraging, Qingyun on me. [before] she took out her poetry appreciation in the poem, have such a comment "I think, like the original...

万缕千丝终不改,任他随聚随分。 韶华休笑本无 根,好风频借力,送我上青云。 这首词的大意是春风仿佛也能理解柳絮,将它均匀地飘散在白玉堂前。比起狂蜂乱蝶,似乎它显...对应英文:Countless ties do not change the end, let him with poly with. Shaohua laugh off the rootless, good wind frequency of leveraging, Qingyun on me. "This poem is the spring breeze as if also can understand the catkins, will it evenly scattered in before him. Compared with the sting chaos butterfly, it seems...

这首词出自《红楼梦》,是薛宝钗和众位姐妹一起作的一首咏柳絮的词。对应英文:This word comes from "a dream of Red Mansions", is Xue Baochai and sisters together as a chant the catkin word.

万缕千丝终不改,任他随聚随分。韶华休笑本无根,好风频借力,送我上 青云。 【诗词鉴赏】 宝钗在拿出她这首词之前,有这样一段议论"我想,柳絮原是一件 轻薄无根无绊的...对应英文:Countless ties do not change the end, let him with poly with. Shaohua laugh off the rootless, good wind frequency of leveraging, Qingyun on me. [before] she took out her poetry appreciation in the poem, have such a comment "I think, Liu is a frivolous rootless trip...

意思是说那些艳丽的花朵不要笑话我柳絮是没有根的,但只要来一阵风借力,我可以直上青云。对应英文:Mean those beautiful flowers don't joke I catkins is not the root, but as long as a gust of wind force, I can rapid advancement in one's career.

好风频借力,送我上青云"的一句意思是就是指凭借外力,使自己青云直上.展露宝钗之雄心壮志其意甚明。然而在其大展"青云"之志的同时,却仍不失其"乱纷纷"、"本无根"...对应英文:Good wind frequency of leveraging, Qingyun on me "a word meaning is refers to with external force, so that their float upon the clouds. Show the lofty ideals and high aspirations of its meaning clear chai. However, in the exhibition "Yun" will at the same time, it still is the "chaotic", "the no root"...


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