

未可全抛一片心对应英文:Believe not all threw a piece of heart

. 若为道故,岂惜己身/ 然我等未彻悟心地,也不明白对话者的根器及心理 所以有时好心的话并不一定促成对话者有好的结果 比如对话者自尊心很强,您批评他的时候就不能说...对应英文:If the road. Therefore, do cherish oneself / though I have not understood the heart, also don't understand the roots and psychological interlocutors so sometimes the kind words do not necessarily promote dialogue with good results such as interlocutors strong self-esteem, his criticism when you cannot say...

意思就是说话不可竹筒倒豆子一般,哗啦啦一股脑把话都说了,要给自己留点余地。 要知道,直语易伤人。高明的人说话,总是说一点,把对象的思绪引到自己想要表达的话题上,然...对应英文:It means to speak not bamboo pour beans, crashed together to say, want to leave his room. You know, straight language easy to hurt someone. Clever people talk, always say a point, the object of attention to want the expression on the topic, however...

自己是一点看法是要看自己的性格了,性情豪爽,粗言快语的人或许是经常"全抛一片心",但是这样的人给人的印象确实很不错。而心胸狭窄/斤斤计较的人,别说是陌生人了,就是...对应英文:He is a point of view is to look at their own personality, temperament forthright, coarse language fast language perhaps often "throw a whole heart", but such an impression of a really good. And narrow - minded person / square accounts in every detail, let alone a stranger, that is...

有防人之心不可无的意思,言多语失,不要轻易地相信人和随便向别人透露自己的底细,避免上当受骗。对应英文:A defense of the heart without meaning, Yanduoyushi, do not easily believe in people and just to tell other people about themselves, avoid to be deceived.

与公子携手下船,正是逢人且说三分话,未可全抛一片心。" 示例资产阶级的心,自私自利,'尔虞我诈',是不可以告人的,'~,未可全抛一片心',他们是心隔心。 ★谢觉哉《交心》...对应英文:With the son together out of the boat, it is every person and three words, not throw a whole heart. Examples of "bourgeois heart, egoistic, 'cheat', is not to tell people,'~, not throw a whole heart ', they are the heart septal heart. ★ Xie Juezai "heart to heart"...

与公子携手下船,正是逢人且说三分话,未可全抛一片心。" 心事不要随便说出来,当别人看透或者知道你的心事的时候,你的脆弱就会暴露在别人面前。任何...对应英文:With the son together out of the boat, it is every person and three words, not throw a whole heart. "Things do not say out, when others see or know when your mind, you will be exposed to the fragile in front of others. Any...

就 是不要对人太坦诚了 太暴露自己 不要把自己的内心全都展示给他人对应英文:It is not to be too exposed many sincere own not to your heart all shown to others

遇到不认识的人少和他答话,不可以把自己的的心全部信任他对应英文:You don't know the man and his answer, can not put his whole heart to trust him

留余地。这并不是虚伪吧,虚伪是你把不现实东西加在了自己身上,而这句话说的是,不把自己完全暴露给别人,这并不是虚伪。对应英文:Leave adequate leeway. This is not false, false is your unrealistic things in themselves, and this saying is, don't put yourself completely exposed to the others, this is not hypocritical.

在某种意义上不能说不对但其中也蕴含了让人失去真诚的一面对应英文:We can not say no but which also contains a let a person lose true in a sense


出处:明·冯梦龙《警世通言》第32卷:“孙富叫家童算还了酒钱,与公子携手下船,正是:逢人且说三分话,未可全抛一片心。” 示例:资产阶级的心,自私自利,‘尔虞我诈’,是不可以告人的,‘~’,他们是心隔心。 ★谢觉哉《交心》 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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