


“部分原因和伊朗(这一不安定因素)有关,”他说。对应英文:"Part of the reason and Iran (this unrest)," he said.

谷歌,因为人们通过它能即时访问真实性可疑的信息,成为了不安定因素的一个原始来源。对应英文:Google, because people can through it authenticity suspicious instant access to information, has become a primary source of unrest.

同样的不安定因素也出现在世界各地的抗议活动中,尽管具体表现形式有所不同。 它们或许是明目张胆的腐败行为(比如中国和中东),或许是遭到践踏的社会契约(比如欧洲)。对应英文:Similar unrest appeared in the protests around the world, although the concrete manifestation is different.

“部分原因和伊朗(这一不安定因素)有关,”他说。对应英文:"Part of the reason and Iran (this unrest)," he said.

谷歌,因为人们通过它能即时访问真实性可疑的信息,成为了不安定因素的一个原始来源。对应英文:Google, because people can through it authenticity suspicious instant access to information, has become a primary source of unrest.

同样的不安定因素也出现在世界各地的抗议活动中,尽管具体表现形式有所不同。 它们或许是明目张胆的腐败行为(比如中国和中东),或许是遭到践踏的社会契约(比如欧洲)。对应英文:Similar unrest appeared in the protests around the world, although the concrete manifestation is different.

在接下来的24小时里,对这些的网站访问连接有可能存在不确定性,就像你的操作系统存在十亿个不安定因素一样,这一切有赖于那些服务器的稳定性,还有ISP的支撑。对应英文:In the next 24 hours, access to the website connection may exist uncertainty, just like your operating system exists billion unrest, it all depends on the stability of the server, and the support of ISP.

一个月后,阿萨德的回信跟以前相比似乎做了些让步,或许是因为自己和沙拉的健康问题给国内造成了不安定因素。对应英文:After a month, Mr Assad's letter seems to have made some concessions, compared to the previously salad and perhaps because his health problems caused domestic unrest.

年轻人将会有一种挫败感,认为他们不再有机会参与经济增长,错过了好时代——这可能会成为一种不安定因素。对应英文:Young people will have a sense of defeat, that they no longer have the opportunity to participate in economic growth, missed the good times - this may become a kind of unrest.

官员们担心将来会有更多的绑架妇女案件,更高的犯罪率和其他社会不安定因素。对应英文:Officials worry that the future will have more kidnapped women cases, higher crime and other social unrest element.

市场经济体制对文化与民族关系会有一些负面影响,处理不好,会酿成不安定因素,必须正视。对应英文:Market economy system of culture and national relationship will have some negative effects, processing is bad, will lead to instability factors, must face up to.

伊斯兰教回族为拉面店争夺地盘,都是可能发生的不安定因素;对应英文:Islam hui for noodle shop turf, are possible unrest;

这一群体的存在,不仅严重影响了我国经济社会的可持续发展的能力,而且还是影响我国社会稳定和进步的不安定因素。对应英文:The existence of this group, not only seriously affected the sustainable development of China's economic and social ability, and is the unstable factors affecting social stability and progress in our country.

北京是一个存在安全隐患的势力,但并不是一个有侵略性的势力,因为其内部存在着真实的社会和经济不安定因素。对应英文:Beijing is a pose a safety hazard, but not an aggressive power, because of its internal there is a real social and economic unrest.

今日世界最大的不安定因素,是恐怖组织,民族分裂主义,大国冲突,还是文明的冲突?对应英文:Today the world's largest unrest, a terrorist organization, national separatism, great powers conflict, or the clash of civilizations?

贵州农村高利贷现象作为民间借贷的一种表现形式,其存在和发展必然对农村形成潜在的不安定因素。对应英文:Guizhou rural usury phenomenon as a form of folk loan, its existence and development must form a potential unrest in rural areas.

夜幕降临在这著名的不夜城,灯光笼罩在范围广大的地下迷宫以及一些不安定因素上。对应英文:Night falls in this famous city that never sleeps, lights enveloped in a wide range of underground maze and some unstable factors.

即使他们不使用武器,这些武器也将激起武装性斗争,给这个暴力的世界带来更多不安定因素。对应英文:Even if they do not use weapons, these weapons will provoke armed struggle, to a world of violence.

这背后,隐藏了百度怎样的不安定因素?其发展遭遇了怎样的拐点?对应英文:Hidden behind this, the baidu how unrest?

我们的前辈在他们的时代也面对着同样的畏惧和不安定因素。对应英文:Our predecessors in their age was also facing the same fear and unrest.

张教授认为,同时价格在一夜之间崩盘将会使许多中国人的储蓄化为乌有,这是“使政府忧心重重的”另一个不安定因素。对应英文:Zhang says, at the same time, the price collapse overnight will make many Chinese savings go up in smoke, that is "the government" in fretting about another unrest.

他说他已经“厌倦”了生意方面的事情,并坚称不会让自己将进入合同年这一事实成为不安定因素。对应英文:He said he was "tired of" the business, and insisted that won't let myself will enter a contract in the fact that the unrest.

我的问题是:是否引发人类不恰当性欲求的荷尔蒙和其他不安定因素已经被注如到混血人种的身体里?对应英文:My question is: whether to cause human inappropriate sexual hormones and other unstable factors have been note as to mixed race's body?

在此,我们针对上海世博会的潜在安全风险和不安定因素进行分析,并对2010年上海世博会的安全保卫工作提出构想。对应英文:Here, we aimed at the Shanghai world expo potential security risks and analyze the unstable factors, and the security work of the 2010 Shanghai world expo idea is put forward.

新世纪中国的地缘政治、地缘经济和安全存在诸多不安定因素。对应英文:China's geopolitical and geo-economic and security in the new century there are many unstable factors.


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