

群起而攻之对应英文:Gang of
群起而攻之   拼音: qún qǐ ér gōng zhī 简拼: qqez   近义词:  反义词:    用法: 复句式;作宾语、分句;含贬义   解释: 大家都起来攻击它,反对它。   出处: 先秦・孔子《论语・先进》:“非吾徒也,小子鸣鼓而攻之可也。”   例子: 他品行恶劣,难怪大家会~,他这是咎由自取。   谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   鸣鼓而攻

当政客们对央行群起而攻之时,情况坏得不能再坏了。对应英文:When politicians to launch broadsides at a central bank that can't be a worse.

每次波拉德释放一事被提起之时,情报人员和检察官们便会跳将出来群起而攻之。对应英文:Each Pollard's release has been filed, intelligence and the prosecutors will gang up will jump out.

若是有人提出质疑,反而被大家群起而攻之;等事情发生以后,大家就开始拼命找原因,而且开始相互推卸责任。对应英文:If someone has been questioned, on the contrary launch broadsides at a known;

当政客们对央行群起而攻之时,情况坏得不能再坏了。对应英文:When politicians to launch broadsides at a central bank that can't be a worse.

每次波拉德释放一事被提起之时,情报人员和检察官们便会跳将出来群起而攻之。对应英文:Each Pollard's release has been filed, intelligence and the prosecutors will gang up will jump out.

若是有人提出质疑,反而被大家群起而攻之;等事情发生以后,大家就开始拼命找原因,而且开始相互推卸责任。对应英文:If someone has been questioned, on the contrary launch broadsides at a known;

在论坛里,看到不少网友依然对章子怡群起而攻之。对应英文:In BBS, saw many people still to gang up zhang.

但检测到带有来自细菌、病毒或其它入侵者蛋白片段MHC分子时,T细胞就会群起而攻之。对应英文:But detected with from bacteria, viruses, or other invader protein fragment MHC molecules, gang up T cells will be.

网友们时而妙语联珠的精彩点评、时而气宇轩昂的美好期望甚至是纵情一时的群起而攻之,都让现场短短的两个小时的PK的话题发扬光大至无穷大。对应英文:Netizens alternately witticisms bead wonderful reviews, and expectation of promenading gang up even live at that time, make the scene a short two hours of PK topic carry forward to infinity.

欧盟各方随即做出强烈反应,异常罕见地群起而攻之。对应英文:The parties immediately make a strong reaction, abnormal launch broadsides at a rare.

当然这就引起了轩然大波,宗教领袖群起而攻之,认为这是对人类尊严的玷污,同时其他科学家也出来抨击他的克隆计划。对应英文:Of course it's created quite a stir, launch broadsides at a religious leader, think it is polluted to human dignity, at the same time, other scientists have come out to attack his cloning plan.

少男少女们对于我把他们的美好初恋比喻成一支圆珠笔,肯定是大不以为然,也许因此要群起而攻之。对应英文:Boys and girls for me to their beautiful first love metaphor as a ballpoint pen, affirmation is big, may therefore gang up to.

群起而攻之。对应英文:Fight on.

应用:a。下次如果下属对你群起而攻之,比如严厉批评你武断,停下来想想它的积极意义,应把它视为自己做人的一面镜子。对应英文:Application: a.

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