

兔子尾巴长不了对应英文:The rabbit tail long

恐怕是兔子的尾巴是长不了的。对应英文:I'm afraid the rabbit's tail is long.

他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。对应英文:His company is the life of a rabbit tail long.

到头来,我们明白社会和政治革命的作用缓慢,明白了武装介入的方式基本上都兔子尾巴——长不了。对应英文:In the end, we understand the role of social and political revolution is slow, I see the way of armed intervention mostly rabbit tail long - don't.

到头来,我们明白社会和政治革命的作用缓慢,明白了武装介入的方式基本上都兔子尾巴——长不了。对应英文:In the end, we understand the role of social and political revolution is slow, I see the way of armed intervention mostly rabbit tail long - don't.

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