


很多猪场病急乱投医,胡乱地使用PRRS疫苗。对应英文:A lot of pig grasping, careless use of PRRS vaccine.

根据睡眠杂志上的一篇研究报道,失眠患者为求得一夜好眠,到了病急乱投医的地步,他们花在酒精上的钱,比花在睡眠辅助药物和器械的钱总和还要多。对应英文:According to a study published reports, insomnia patients to get a good night's sleep, to the point of grasping, they spend money on alcohol, than the money spent on sleep AIDS drugs and devices combined.

即使我们失去了很多球员,我们也不会如别人所愿的病急乱投医。对应英文:Even if we lost a lot of players, we won't make rush decisions, even though others.

即使我们失去了很多球员,我们也不会如别人所愿的病急乱投医。对应英文:Even if we lost a lot of players, we won't make rush decisions, even though others.

根据睡眠杂志上的一篇研究报道,失眠患者为求得一夜好眠,到了病急乱投医的地步,他们花在酒精上的钱,比花在睡眠辅助药物和器械的钱总和还要多。对应英文:According to a study published reports, insomnia patients to get a good night's sleep, to the point of grasping, they spend money on alcohol, than the money spent on sleep AIDS drugs and devices combined.


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