

伸手不见五指   拼音: shēn shǒu bù jiàn wǔ zhǐ 简拼: ssbz   近义词:  反义词:    用法:     解释: 形容光线非常暗,看不见四周围的事物。   出处:    例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   伸手不见五指水来伸手,饭来张口衣来伸手,饭来张口

随着汽油的味道填满了他的鼻腔,他开始在伸手不见五指的黑暗中像婴儿一样哭了起来。对应英文:As the smell of petrol filling up his nose, he began to stretch out my hand to see in the dark like a baby crying.

约好的那天晚上,我在八点前后到达,带头的这位独自坐在一间后屋里,四处伸手不见五指。对应英文:Good night, I arrive around eight o 'clock, take the lead in the after sitting in a room alone, and opaque.

我在黑夜中醒来,四周漆黑,伸手不见五指。对应英文:I wake up in the night, surrounded by dark and opaque.

随着汽油的味道填满了他的鼻腔,他开始在伸手不见五指的黑暗中像婴儿一样哭了起来。对应英文:As the smell of petrol filling up his nose, he began to stretch out my hand to see in the dark like a baby crying.

约好的那天晚上,我在八点前后到达,带头的这位独自坐在一间后屋里,四处伸手不见五指。对应英文:Good night, I arrive around eight o 'clock, take the lead in the after sitting in a room alone, and opaque.

我在黑夜中醒来,四周漆黑,伸手不见五指。对应英文:I wake up in the night, surrounded by dark and opaque.

在伸手不见五指的黑暗中,他感到赫敏抓住了他的胳膊,他们一起原地旋转。对应英文:In hand to see in the dark, he felt hermione grabbed his arm, and together they spin around.

屋内伸手不见五指,摸索后,他找到了开关。对应英文:The room opaque, exploration, he found the switch.

这群运动健将举重若轻,毫不费力地在伸手不见五指的地表和碍事的树木间穿梭,连一个趔趄、绊脚都没有。对应英文:The athlete feats, effortlessly in opaque surface and in the way of the shuttle between trees, doesn't even have a hitch or stumble.

旅行前和旅行后,纷纷听到去过的旅者和我说,北京的天空多麽灰濛濛,甚至会伸手不见五指。对应英文:Travel before and after the trip, travelers have heard been to and I said, how gray goo goo Beijing's sky, even opaque.

我笑呀,因为晚上伸手不见五指,你过来在抽屉里找钱,而就算大白天的时候,我自己都没办法在那里找到一个子儿。对应英文:I laugh ah, because night opaque, you come and find money in the drawer, and even in broad daylight, I can't find a penny there.

可是伸手不见五指了,想着要是到市内也没车回北京那就惨了。对应英文:But opaque, wish to also don't have a car in the city to Beijing that'll be up shit creek.

在一个伸手不见五指、通道又纵横交错的大山洞中迷了路。对应英文:In an opaque, channels and crisscrossed lost his way in the big cave.

里面很黑,门窗不仅全部关着,还用报纸封了起来,伸手不见五指,更不用说看清病人的样子。对应英文:It was very dark, doors and Windows closed entirely, not only is sealed with newspapers, opaque, let alone to see the appearance of the patient.

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