

狮子大开口对应英文:The lion big openings

研究也没有表明美国应该继续在阿富汗战场上狮子大开口。对应英文:The research did not show that the United States should continue to lion big openings on the battlefield in Afghanistan.

尽管偶尔有人声称,空海一体战这种海空合作的模式可以节约成本,但不管是空军还是海军都不可避免地会狮子大开口,开列出长长的清单。对应英文:Though occasionally some claim that airsea battle this air and cooperation mode can save costs, but both air force and navy will inevitably lion big openings, make long lists.

为了阻止官员对来源非法的竞选资金狮子大开口,印度必须进行选举制度改革,限制献金,并要求公开资金来源。对应英文:To prevent officials for illegal campaign funds source lion big openings, India must be electoral reform, restricted contributions, and requires public funding.

研究也没有表明美国应该继续在阿富汗战场上狮子大开口。对应英文:The research did not show that the United States should continue to lion big openings on the battlefield in Afghanistan.

为了阻止官员对来源非法的竞选资金狮子大开口,印度必须进行选举制度改革,限制献金,并要求公开资金来源。对应英文:To prevent officials for illegal campaign funds source lion big openings, India must be electoral reform, restricted contributions, and requires public funding.

阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯动物园,一只母狮在笼子里“狮子大开口”。对应英文:Argentina Buenos Aires zoo, a lion in the cage "lion big openings".

尽管偶尔有人声称,空海一体战这种海空合作的模式可以节约成本,但不管是空军还是海军都不可避免地会狮子大开口,开列出长长的清单。对应英文:Though occasionally some claim that airsea battle this air and cooperation mode can save costs, but both air force and navy will inevitably lion big openings, make long lists.

至于其他银行管道,对新发行股票基金的销售费用更是“狮子大开口”,一次比一次高。对应英文:As for the other pipe bank, newly issued stock fund the cost of sales is the "lion big openings," than a high at a time.

抓到如此难得的把柄,此人狮子大开口,向故宫要求20万元的封口费。对应英文:Catch this rare occasion, this person lion big openings, asked 200000 yuan fee to the Forbidden City.

虽然我有赔偿你损失的责任,但你也不能狮子大开口漫天要价!对应英文:Although I have to compensate for your loss responsibility, but you also can't the lion big openings on wild speculations!

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