

不听老人言吃亏在眼前对应英文:Don't listen to the old man cheated in sight

不听老人言吃亏在眼前    已经过了惊蛰,这天气越来越暖和。我看到别人已经吃冰棍了,心中痒痒的。昨天,温暖的太阳照着大地。我已经感觉到春天的到来。走起路来我满...对应英文:Elders suffer in the present has been the waking of insects, the weather gets warmer and warmer. I see other people have to eat popsicles, heart itch. Yesterday, the warm sun shining on the earth. I have a feeling that the arrival of spring. Walk along a road to come my full...

俗语说"不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。"因为不敬老而遭受挫折的例子历史上也很多。秦晋之战是一次重大战役,战前,秦穆公向秦国一个叫蹇叔的老人咨询。蹇叔说"劳动军队去袭...对应英文:As the saying goes "if the old, suffer in the eyes. "Because they do not respect and the frustration of many examples in history. Qin Jin war is an important battle, the war, the king to a place called Jian TERT old consulting qin. Jian Shu said "labor forces to attack...

老人的话或者建议是根据长年经验积累得来得,一般是正确的,如果不听的话,很快现实就会给你教训,让你吃亏的。对应英文:The old man's words or suggestions are based on the experience accumulated for many years to come, the general is correct, if not, soon the reality will give you lessons, let you suffer.

到现在我才发现这句话是真理呀。后悔没在父母健康能说话时和他们多聊聊天,不知道我的儿子什么时候能醒悟这一点。对应英文:I found this sentence is the truth. Regret not in parental health can speak chat with them, don't know what my son can wake up to this point.

不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。  听君一席话,胜读十年书。  不傲才以骄人,不以宠而作威。 -- 诸葛亮  一个骄傲的人,结果总是在骄傲里毁灭了自己。 -- 莎士比亚  ...对应英文:If the old, suffer in the eyes. Listen to your words, than from ten years of reading. Not only proud proud, not to spoil the threat. Zhu Geliang is a proud man, always results in the destruction of pride in themselves. -- Shakespeare...

不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。 不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。 不图便宜不上当,贪图便宜吃大亏。 不笑补,不笑破,只笑日子不会过。 槽里无食猪拱猪,分脏不均狗咬狗。 草...对应英文:Without carrying the load yourself you don't know how heavy it is, without walking the long distance yourself you don't know how far it is. If the old, suffer in the eyes. Not cheap map is not fooled, covet cheap suffer a great deal. Do not laugh, do not laugh, laugh not only days. The slot without food on dirty pig, points not all dog eat dog. The grass...

不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。"的谚语故事秦晋之战是一次重大战役,战前,秦穆公向秦国一个叫蹇叔的老人咨询。蹇叔说"劳动军队去袭击远方的国家恐怕不行。军队远征,士卒疲...对应英文:If the old, suffer in the eyes. "Proverbs story between war is an important battle, the war, the king to a place called Jian TERT old consulting qin. Jian Shu said "labor forces to attack distant countries I'm afraid I can't.. Military expeditions, soldiers...

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天使的魔法温暖中慈祥"耳畔再次响起周杰伦的《听妈妈的话》,带给我无限遐想,我们曾大言不惭地说"我们有一颗感恩的心,用孝心回报父母",但我们真正做到的又有多少呢  ...对应英文:Angel in the kind of magical warmth "ears sounded again Jay Chou's" listen to mother's words ", bring me unlimited reverie, we boast without shame to say" we have a heart of Thanksgiving, with filial piety the parents return ", but we really do have many...

不听老人言吃亏在眼前 已经过了惊蛰,这天气越来越暖和。我看到别人已经吃冰棍了,心中痒痒的。昨天,温暖的太阳照着大地。我已经感觉到春天的到来。走起路来我满头大汗...对应英文:Elders suffer in the present has been the waking of insects, the weather gets warmer and warmer. I see other people have to eat popsicles, heart itch. Yesterday, the warm sun shining on the earth. I have a feeling that the arrival of spring. Walk me sweat...


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