

不许百姓点灯对应英文:Forbid people light-on
只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯,拼为zhǐxǔzhōu guān fàng huǒ,bùxǔbǎi xìng diǎn dēng,指反动统治者自己可以胡作非为,老百姓却连正当活动也要受到限制。出自宋•陆游《老学庵笔记》卷五。

于是,"只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯"这个典故就一直流传到现在…… 附原文州官放火 陆游对应英文:So, "Zhou Guan set fire, forbid common people light" the story has been passed down to the present...... Report of the state official to Lu You

于是,"只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯"这个典故就一直流传到现在…对应英文:So, "Zhou Guan set fire, forbid common people light" the story has been passed down to the present...

很多人进入这个州游玩赏灯,官吏不敢说"灯"字,于是写了公告上挂在集市上说"本州照例放火三天"。于是,当地老百姓就编了顺口溜只准州官放火 不许百姓点灯!对应英文:A lot of people into the state to play lights, officials did not dare to say "the lamp" the word, then write a notice hanging in the market said "the state was set for three days". So, the local people will make a jingle only allow government to forbid common people light!

只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯 使用频率 常用 发 音 ǐǔō ɡā àɡ ǒ,ùǔǎ ìɡ ǎ 释 义 指反动统治者自己可以胡作非为,老百姓却连正当活动也要...对应英文:Zhou Guan set fire, forbid common people light frequency of use common pronunciation ì Ji ǔ ō and ā à and square, ù ǔ ǎ ì and ǎ release meaning refers to the reactionary rulers themselves can play the gangster, people are even to...

宋朝田登做州官,为避官讳不许百姓言"登",因登和灯同音。于是点灯就成了"点火"。元宵放灯就只好"本州依例,放火三日",吓得百姓四散。这就是"只许州官放火,不准百姓点灯...对应英文:The Tian Deng state officials, in order to avoid the Guanhui forbid common people say "Deng", because he and the lamp homophone. So the light became "ignition". The lantern lamp had to "the state in accordance with the cases, set fire to three day", so people scattered. This is the "Zhou Guan set fire, no people light...

后来这个"说"字被逐渐省略,演变成今天的成语"只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯"。 示例可是你"只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯"。我们偶说一句妨碍的话,你就说不吉利。★清·曹雪...对应英文:Then the "say" word has been omitted, evolved into today's idiom "Zhou Guan set fire, forbid common people light". Example but you "Zhou Guan set fire, forbid common people light". We even speak a word of the way, you say not lucky. ★ Qing Cao snow...

为避官讳不许百姓言"登",因登和灯同音。于是点灯就成了"点火"。元宵放灯就只好"本州依例,放火三日",吓得百姓四散。这就是"只许州官放火,不准百姓点灯"的由来。对应英文:In order to avoid the Guanhui forbid common people say "Deng", because he and the lamp homophone. So the light became "ignition". The lantern lamp had to "the state in accordance with the cases, set fire to three day", so people scattered. This is the "Zhou Guan set fire origin, no people light".

允许当官的放火胡作非为,不允许老百姓点灯照明。比喻反动统治者能够胡作非为,老百姓的正当言行却受到种种限制。 〖出处〗宋·陆游《老学庵笔记》卷五"田登作郡,自讳其...对应英文:Allow officials to play the gangster, not allowing people lighting lighting. Figurative the reactionary rulers can play the gangster, while the words and deeds of people is subject to various restrictions. "The source" song, his "old learn Ciyuan notes" volume five "Tian Deng makes county, since the taboo of its...

这次看了官府贴出的这张告示,更是气愤万分,忿忿他说"只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯,这是什么世道!"对应英文:The government saw the notice posted, but also very angry, but he said "Zhou Guan set fire, forbid common people light, which is what morals!"

官州对应英文:The official state


〖解释〗允许当官的放火胡作非为,不允许老百姓点灯照明。比喻反动统治者能够胡作非为,老百姓的正当言行却受到种种限制。 〖出处〗宋·陆游《老学庵笔记》卷五:“田登作郡,自讳其名,触者必怒,吏卒多被榜笞。于是举州皆谓灯为火。上元放灯许人入州治游观,吏人遂书榜揭于市曰:‘本州依例放火三日。’” 〖示例〗可是你“~”。我们偶说一句妨碍的话,你就说不吉利。 ★清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第七十七回〖故事〗北宋时,有个州的太守名田登,为人专制蛮横,因为他名 "登",所以不许州内的百姓在谈话时说到任何一个与"登"字同音的字。于是,只要是与"登"字同音的,都要其它字来代替。谁要是触犯了他这个忌讳,便要被加上"侮辱地方长官"的罪名,重则判刑,轻则挨板子。不少吏卒因为说到与"登"同音的字,都遭到鞭打。 一年一度的元宵佳节即将到来。依照以往的惯例,州城里都要放三天焰火,点三天花灯表示庆祝。州府衙门要提前贴出告示,让老百姓到时候前来观灯。 可是这次,却让出告示的官员感到左有为难。怎么写呢?用上"灯"字,要触犯太守;不用"灯"字,意思又表达不明白。想了好久,写告示的小官员只能把"灯"字改成"火"字。这样,告示上就写成了"本州照例放火三日"。 告示贴出后,老百姓看了都惊吵喧闹起来。尤其是一些外地来的客人,更是丈二和尚摸不着头脑,还真的以为官府要在城里放三天火呢!大家纷纷收拾行李,争着离开这是非之地。当地的老百姓,平时对于田登的专制蛮横无理已经是非常不满,这次看了官府贴出的这张告示,更是气愤万分,忿忿他说:"只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯,这是什么世道!" 相关文献 万方数据期刊论文 法律面前人人平等与法制之下人人平等 - 社会科学论坛 - 2003 ( 3 ) 附图 上传图片 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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