

车如流水马如龙对应英文:Car Ma Rulong like running water

车如流水马如龙 南唐·李煜《望江南》 〔今译〕车辆络绎不绝,好似滔滔流水马儿十分娇健,宛如海上游龙。 〔赏析〕南唐后主李煜国破被俘,囚于北宋的都城汴京。他写他这...对应英文:Cars such as water Ma Rulong the Li Yu "Jiangnan" (Translated) at the vehicle in a continuous line, like the surging water horse is very smart, like a sea dragon. (appreciation) Emperor Li Yuguo break captured prisoners in the Northern Song Dynasty, Bianjing capital. He wrote his...

就是车水马龙,行人很多的意思 ,交通繁忙。对应英文:Is the heavy traffic on the street, many pedestrians, traffic is busy.

意思是车马人流往来不绝,繁华热闹,春暖花开的美好景象。表现了词人重温旧时帝王之梦的悲恨,词人抱恨终生的强烈情感!对应英文:Mean and people exchanges on, bustling, beautiful scene of spring. The poet to the old imperial dream sad hate, poet last strong emotional life!

车水马龙对应英文:Heavy traffic on the street

然而昨夜在梦中所见究竟是何事也就是词人白日所思念的是何事"还似旧时游上苑,车如流水马如龙,花月正春风。"在梦境中又重现了昔日南唐春季去游上苑时的欢乐情景。...对应英文:However last night in a dream to see exactly what is missing is what the poet day "also like old amusement park, cars such as water Ma Rulong, Hua Yue is the spring breeze. "In a dream again happy scene to visit the former Southern Tang spring park. ...

还似旧时游上苑,车如流水马如龙。花月正春风。 多少泪,断脸复横颐。 心事莫将和泪说,凤笙休向泪时吹。肠断更无疑。 【题解】 这两首词为后主亡国归宋之作,前篇追念...对应英文:It seemed as if we were in Royal Garden yet: dragonlike steeds and carriages run like flowing stream; In vernal wind the moon and flowers beam. How many tears crisscross my cheeks between my ears! Don't ask about my grief of recent years nor play on flute when tears come out, Or else my heart would break, no doubt! [note] the first two words for main subjugation to song, the previous article...

走为上策对应英文:It's politic to leave

花月正春风对应英文:In vernal wind the moon and flowers beam

还似旧时游上苑,   车如流水马如龙。   花月正春风。对应英文:It seemed as if we were in Royal Garden yet: dragonlike steeds and carriages run like flowing stream; In vernal wind the moon and flowers beam.

重い山の何万人もの 情深深雨蒙蒙多少楼台烟雨中记得当初你侬我侬车如流水马如龙尽管狂风平地起美人如云剑如虹啊情深深雨朦朦世界只在你眼中相逢不晚为何匆匆山山水水...对应英文:Remember what the people of heavy to mountain moo of romance in the rain many loutai Yanyu you Lennon Lennon I cars such as water Ma Rulong in spite of the plains of beauty such as cloud sword rainbow ah romance in the rain a world in your eyes meet not later why rush to the mountains and rivers...


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