

从娃娃抓起对应英文:Grab from baby

保卫粤语要从娃娃抓起!!!!!!对应英文:Defend cantonese to grab from baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

而解决收入不平衡问题的办法是确保人们能够获得良好的教育,这一点要从娃娃抓起。对应英文:The solution to the problem of income inequality is to ensure that people can get a good education, that want to grab from baby.

俱乐部的想法是,要为安徽组建真正意义上的职业球队,二线、三线队伍从娃娃抓起,形成阶梯发展模式。对应英文:Club idea is, to form a real sense of professional sports teams in anhui, the second line, three line team to grab from baby, the formation of ladder development model.

保卫粤语要从娃娃抓起!!!!!!对应英文:Defend cantonese to grab from baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

而解决收入不平衡问题的办法是确保人们能够获得良好的教育,这一点要从娃娃抓起。对应英文:The solution to the problem of income inequality is to ensure that people can get a good education, that want to grab from baby.

俱乐部的想法是,要为安徽组建真正意义上的职业球队,二线、三线队伍从娃娃抓起,形成阶梯发展模式。对应英文:Club idea is, to form a real sense of professional sports teams in anhui, the second line, three line team to grab from baby, the formation of ladder development model.

在发展中国城市文化特色中要尊重各民族文化,塑造文化特色要从娃娃抓起。对应英文:In the development of Chinese city culture to respect the national culture, to shape cultural characteristics to grab from baby.

全国人大教科文卫委员会委员、生态道德教育促进会主席陈寿朋教授曾在人代会上率先提出“生态道德教育要从娃娃抓起”的倡议。对应英文:The general committee of the National People's Congress, ecological moral education first Chen Shoupeng professor in NPC session, chairman of the association for the advancement of "ecological moral education to grab from baby" initiative.


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