

打肿脸充胖子对应英文:Hit swollen face depth
    词 目
    发 音
    dǎ zhǒng liǎn chōng pàng zī
    释 义
    出 处
    示 例

我的意思是,如果我们非要打肿脸充胖子,我们将会失去所有。对应英文:I mean, if we don't want to hit swollen face depth, we will lose all.

你这样打肿脸充胖子,到最后只能自己吃亏。对应英文:You hit swollen face depth, so in the end only his harm.

许多人认为,英国该停止打肿脸充胖子,故作繁忙了。对应英文:Many people believe that the UK should stop hit swollen face depth, so busy.

你这样打肿脸充胖子,到最后只能自己吃亏。对应英文:You hit swollen face depth, so in the end only his harm.

记得,08年媒体上,一直出现的漫画都是针对基金经理们“打肿脸充胖子”的。对应英文:Remember, 08 media, has been the comics are for the fund managers "hit swollen face depth".

这是一个高规格的官方的论坛,完全避开G20这一由西方力量控制的打肿脸充胖子的集团。对应英文:This is a high-level official BBS, completely avoid the G20 this controlled by the western powers hit swollen face depth of the group.

中国人好面子,其结果只能是打肿脸充胖子,不断的损失自己的实力。对应英文:The Chinese good face, the result can only be hit swollen face depth, the loss of their own strength.

当遇到你不熟的话题或者领域,千万不要打肿脸充胖子,不要为了面子不懂装懂。对应英文:When you don't practice topic or field, don't hit swollen face depth, not to face knows nothing but pretends to know.

与其打肿脸充胖子,不如想想2010年底你能完成些什么。对应英文:Rather than hit swollen face depth, think about what you can finish at the end of 2010.

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