

汉贼不两立对应英文:Han thief incompatibility
汉贼不两立,拼为hàn zéi bù liǎng lì,比喻有我无你。

汉贼不两立 发音 à é ù ǎ ì 释义 比喻有我无你。 出处 三国·蜀·诸葛亮《后出师表》"先帝虑汉贼不两立,王业不偏安。" 示例 惟有杜氏一个,直如添上敌国一般,...对应英文:Incompatible pronunciation à é ù ǎ ì metaphor interpretation I without you. From three Shu Zhu Geliang "after the" only "Xiandi incompatible, Wang Pianan not. "From a sample only, straight as add the enemy general,...

语出《三国志·蜀书·诸葛亮传》"闻孙权破曹休魏兵东下关中虚弱上言'先帝虑汉贼不两立,王业不偏安,故托臣以讨贼也。'" 指蜀汉与曹魏不能同时并存。比喻誓不两立,不共...对应英文:The phrase "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Shu, Zhu Geliang" Sun Quanpo "Cao Xiu Wei Bingdong Wen Guanzhong weak words' Xiandi incompatible, Wang Pianan not, therefore asked Chen to fight enemy also. '"refers to the Shu Han and Cao Wei cannot coexist. Metaphor irreconcilable, not altogether...

出处 三国·蜀·诸葛亮《后出师表》"先帝虑汉贼不两立,王业不偏安。" 王业不偏安 帝王所从事的事业,是威慑天下臣民、治理万方的百姓,万里江山,王道滔滔,需要四方的臣...对应英文:From three Shu Zhu Geliang "after the" only "Xiandi incompatible, Wang Pianan not. "Wang Pianan not emperors engaged in the cause, deterrence, governance world subjects million people, Jiangshan, King surging, need to square his...

()寝睡觉. 食吃饭. . 孰谁. . 今贼适疲于西,又务于东。 . 刘备托孤,诸葛临危受命。讨贼的时机已到。对应英文:() sleep sleep. Eat dinner. Who who. This thief suitable struggling to the west, and to the east. Liu Bei wrote, Zhuge was. The time has come to fight enemy.

译文 先帝考虑到蜀汉和曹贼是不能同时存在的,复兴王业不能偏安一方,所以他才把征讨曹贼的大事托付给我。对应英文:The first emperor of Shu Han Cao and taking into account the thief cannot exist at the same time, Renaissance King industry can not following a party, so he had to surrender to Cao thief event for me.

汉贼不两立 比喻有我无你 王业不偏安 帝王所从事的事业,是威慑天下臣民、治理万方的百姓,万里江山,王道滔滔,需要四方的臣服帝王的德业,如浩荡春风,无所不在,不可能偏...对应英文:Incompatible analogy I without you wang Pianan not emperors engaged in the cause, deterrence, governance world subjects million people, Jiangshan, King surging, need square surrender Imperial German industry, such as the mighty wind, omnipresent, may not offset...

汉贼不两立 发音 à é ù ǎ ì 释义 比喻有我无你。 出处 三国·蜀·诸葛亮《后出师表》"先帝虑汉贼不两立,王业不偏安。" 示例 惟有杜氏一个,直如添上敌...对应英文:Incompatible pronunciation à é ù ǎ ì metaphor interpretation I without you. From three Shu Zhu Geliang "after the" only "Xiandi incompatible, Wang Pianan not. "From a sample only, straight as with the enemy...

这个是诸葛亮《后出师表》中的第一句,意思是先帝考虑到蜀汉和曹贼是不能同时存在的,复兴王业不能偏安一方,所以他才把征讨曹贼的大事托付给我。公元年,刘备称帝,诸...对应英文:This is Zhu Geliang "after the first sentence in the example", meaning the first emperor of Shu Han Cao and taking into account the thief cannot exist at the same time, Renaissance King industry can not following a party, so he had to surrender to Cao thief event for me. BC, Liu Bei proclaims oneself emperor, the...

就是一定要北伐要统一,所以诸葛亮举国之力伐魏对应英文:That must be the northern expedition to the unified national force, so Zhu Geliang Wei

,合作 ,但是 ,奉行 ,认为 ,我接受遗命以后,每天睡不安稳,吃饭不香。 小心谨慎地为国献出我的一切力量,直到死为止。 ,不会 ,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已对应英文:, cooperation, but, pursued, think, I accept the order, not sleep every day, eat not sweet. Circumspect for country devoted all my strength, until die. Not, be loyal and devoted to the last


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