

惊天地泣鬼神对应英文:Simply make the gods cry
  惊天地泣鬼神   拼音:    解释: 惊:震惊。使天地为之震惊,使鬼神为之哭泣。    

这算不上是一个惊天地泣鬼神的作品,不过页面还算干净,一些基本功能还在。对应英文:This is not a simply make the gods cry, but the page to be clean, some basic functions.

这是怎样的巨大能量的释放,这是怎样的惊天地、泣鬼神的伟绩!对应英文:This is what kind of huge energy release, this is how to simply make the gods cry feat!

这种轻微的束缚感会让他坚如磐石(这也是对你的奖励)。 这样一旦他达到高潮,释放出的冲击波将惊天地泣鬼神。对应英文:This slight constriction will make him strong (this is also for your reward).

这算不上是一个惊天地泣鬼神的作品,不过页面还算干净,一些基本功能还在。对应英文:This is not a simply make the gods cry, but the page to be clean, some basic functions.

这是怎样的巨大能量的释放,这是怎样的惊天地、泣鬼神的伟绩!对应英文:This is what kind of huge energy release, this is how to simply make the gods cry feat!

这种轻微的束缚感会让他坚如磐石(这也是对你的奖励)。 这样一旦他达到高潮,释放出的冲击波将惊天地泣鬼神。对应英文:This slight constriction will make him strong (this is also for your reward).

或许我们不能做出惊天地泣鬼神的壮举,我们不能使城市有翻天覆地的变化,但我们能通过我们的方式,做最好的我们。对应英文:Maybe we can't make a simply make the gods cry, we are not able to make the city has a sea change, but we can in our way, do the best we have.

你做的事是否惊天地泣鬼神,花了家里多少钱根本不重要。对应英文:What you do is simply make the gods cry, took home how much money is not important at all.

这些惊天地泣鬼神的战争故事战后成了电影导演和小说作者的创作素材。对应英文:They simply make the gods cry of war story after became a movie director and the author of the novel.


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