

口惠而实不至对应英文:Quietly emptying

我不再相信他了,他总是口惠而不实不至。对应英文:I no longer believe in him, he always be false not lip service.

那个公司的总裁总是口惠而实不至, 因此现在没有人相信他的一言一行。对应英文:The President of the company is always quietly emptying, so now no one believes what he say.

民本思想所追求的是为民作主,从根本上维护的是封建统治阶级的利益,在实践中常常“口惠而实不至”;对应英文:Pursued by the people-based thought is for the people in charge, basically maintain the interests of the feudal ruling class, in practice often quietly emptying;

那个公司的总裁总是口惠而实不至, 因此现在没有人相信他的一言一行。对应英文:The President of the company is always quietly emptying, so now no one believes what he say.

富国空谈的保育人士的“金玉良言”对穷国只是口惠而实不至。目前,在此散布“金玉良言”正恰逢其时。对应英文:Rich countries armchair conservationist "good words" just quietly emptying his to the poor.

在东宾夕法尼亚的两天里,我见到的是同政治家口惠而实不至的竞选语言非常类似的价值。对应英文:Two days in eastern Pennsylvania, I see is with politicians, quietly emptying his language is very similar to the value of the campaign.


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