

女大不中留对应英文:Female miss leave

女孩子大了就应该让她留洋国外,不要留在中国。呵呵 其实是说女孩子大了,须及时出嫁,不宜久留在家。 采纳对应英文:Girls should have let her go abroad, don't stay China. Ha ha is said girls, shall be promptly married, should not stay at home. Adopt

因为找的了一个自己爱的和爱自己的就会嫁喽!因为不可能和父母过一辈子所以不是不中留而是不需要留!对应英文:For the one you love and love you will marry! Because it is not possible to parents and had a lifetime so not to stay but don't need to stay!

。这个问题我很简单啊。。简单的说,农村里认为女大不嫁人,是嫁不出去,很丢人,所以到了婚龄就要出嫁。对应英文:. This problem is very simple ah.. Simply put, the rural that women do not marry, marry do not go out, bad, so the marriage will marry.

泛指女大思春,应该到了婚配的时候将其嫁人。 如果宠爱,将其过久的留在身边,子女会迁怒于父母…对应英文:A female boss, should go to the marriage when the married. If love, be too long in the side, the children will be angry at their parents...

结婚的婚字看字面解释就知道了,女的昏了头,就结婚了呵呵对应英文:Marriage marriage view of literal interpretation will know, woman's head, get married ah

女大不中留,越留越成愁 子女成年后,婚姻就成了父母的牵挂。他们希望自己的子女最终能够找到合适的伴侣,美满的生活。于是,随着子女的年龄的增长,父母对子女的婚姻越是...对应英文:Women do not stay, stay more to worry about adult children, marriage became parents. They hope that their children can ultimately find the right partner, happy life. So, as the children's age, the parents of their children's marriage is more...

是中原地区土语,意思是"行、能、可以、好" 女大不中留的"中"字可以理解为"行、能、可以、好" 简单的说,农村里认为女大不嫁人,是嫁不出去,很丢人,所以到了婚龄...对应英文:The Central Plains region is a dialect, meaning "line, can, can," don't leave "in" can be understood as "line, can, can," said simply, in the countryside that women do not marry, marry do not go out, bad, so the marriage...

妹子,你父母现在是心切,你要理解,不要被你所谓的训斥,造成你心中的反感。这是最重要的!积极面对生活,寻找你生活中的真爱。改天你告诉你父母,你最近交了一个朋友,人不...对应英文:Sister, your parents are anxious, you have to understand, don't be your so-called reprimanded, cause your heart. This is the most important! The face of an active life, find your true love in life. Maybe you can tell your parents, you make a friend recently, people do not...

妈也经常闹矛盾的,他们什么都要管我,烦啊!!!但是我会让他们的,因为毕竟是他们把我养大的。什么都管也是疼爱的表现,所以请你想想你的爸爸妈妈吧对应英文:Mother often has trouble, they all want tube I, what trouble ah!!! But I will let them, after all they raised me. What all is love, so please think about your mom and Dad

原话是"女大不中留,留来留去留成仇",这个在你身上还真应验了。你父母确实过多干涉了,但事已至此,过去的就让它过去吧,向前看,以后的路要自己拿主意了。对应英文:Said "don't leave, leave for leave or hate", this on you really fulfilled. Your parents do too much interference, but it has been done, let the past be the past, look forward to, after the road to my own mind.

俗语女大不中留nǚ dà bù zhōng liú是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/443.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

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