

失败是成功之母对应英文:Failure is the mother of success

经验很重要,失败是成功之母。对应英文:Experience is very important, failure is the mother of success.

失败是成功之母在于它能增强一个人的意志。对应英文:Failure is the mother of success is that it can enhance a person's will.

失败是成功之母, 失败如果没有好处, 为什么是成功之母?对应英文:Failure is the mother of success, if there is no benefits, why is the mother of success?

别这样.失败是成功之母.不要灰心.我相信你一定会成功的.对应英文:Come on. Failure is the mother of success. Don't lose heart. I'm sure you will be successful.

失败是成功之母,它帮助我们去触摸蓝天,教会我们去生存并且给我一定的方法,成功可以给我们带来金钱,声望,自豪和自尊。对应英文:Failure is the mother of success, it helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and give me a certain way, success can bring us the money, fame, pride and self-respect.

很多这些经历并不成功,但作为教师,我们知道学习经历的重要性,知道失败是成功之母。对应英文:Many of these experiences is not successful, but as a teacher, we know the importance of learning experience, know that failure is the mother of success.

来自象牙海岸的马里厄斯·梅里杰最喜欢这样一句话:“失败是成功之母。”对应英文:Mali kosciusko merry jie from ivory coast's most like this sentence: "failure is the mother of success."

失败是成功之母,让项目尽快回到正轨: 你不可能时时保证项目成本、项目进程或者项目范围在一个项目中都尽善尽美。对应英文:Failure is the mother of success, let the project back on track as soon as possible: you can't always ensure that the project cost, project process or scope of the project in a project is perfect.

别这样。失败是成功之母。不要灰心。我相信你一定会成功的。对应英文:Don't do that.

失败是成功之母。没有经历失败,我们就不知道如何成功。你应该尝试失败,而不是在恐惧之中尝试避免失败。对应英文:Failure is the mother of success.

他接著讲述自己早年是如何经历了多次的失败,直到他终于明白「失败是成功之母」。对应英文:He then how about their early failure many times, until he realized that "failure is the mother of success".

失败是成功之母,有了他们的纠正,我可以从我的错误中学到更多。对应英文:Failure is the mother of success, with their correct, I can learn more from my mistakes.

我想世界上最著名的微软公司里的创始人也有失败,没有失败就不会成功,有句名言这样说“失败是成功之母”。对应英文:I want to the world's most famous Microsoft has failed, the founder of the company, will not succeed without failure, famously said that "failure is the mother of success".

正如俗话所说,“失败是成功之母。”对应英文:As the saying goes, "failure is the mother of success."

描述了“失败是成功之母”谚语的成功经验,显示一个人坚强的意志。对应英文:Describe the "failure is the mother of success" the successful experience of proverbs, show a strong will.

通过这一切,硅谷人学会接受失败是成功之母的道理。对应英文:Through it all, silicon valley people learn to accept the reason of failure is the mother of success.

他在实验中多次失败,但他相信失败是成功之母。对应英文:His failure in the experiment many times, but he believes that failure is the mother of success.

有时失败是成功之母,有时是生涯的终结者等等。对应英文:Sometimes failure is the mother of success, and sometimes is career of the terminator, etc.

我还祝愿他们有权去试验和尝试,去受阻和跌倒,去明白失败了天不会踏下来,失败是成功之母的道理。对应英文:I also wish that they have the freedom to experiment and try to go up and fall, failed to understand that day will not step down, the reason of failure is the mother of success.

关于失败的,不同的人有不同的意见。一般来说,一方面,人们认为“失败是成功之母” 。对应英文:About failure, different people have different opinions.

有时沮丧对我们来说是一种磨炼,困难可以促使我们成长,失败也会是成功之母。对应英文:Sometimes frustrating for us is a kind of temper, difficulty can help us to grow, the failure is the mother of success.

那是他的第五次失败。但他还是坚定的相信“失败乃成功之母”。对应英文:It was his fifth failure.

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