

肉包子打狗对应英文:Meat dumplings dozen dog
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有三种说法肉包子打狗--有去无回。肉包子打狗--白扔东西。肉包子打狗--有去无来。见《歇后语词典》北京出版社 年版 页对应英文:There are three versions: a dog meat. Dog meat - white throw things. Dog meat - there is No. See "saying" Beijing dictionary press

有去无回对应英文:No return

本意是用肉包子去打狗.肉包子被狗吃掉了.比喻白白的付出,毫无意义的行动对应英文:Intention is meat dumplings beats a dog. The meat was eaten up by the dog. Metaphor in vain efforts, the meaningless action

肉包子打狗,有去无回。这样你应该懂了吧对应英文:By no means retrievable. So you should understand it

我被他借去的钱就像肉包子打狗-------有去无回了!对应英文:I was he borrowed money is like dog meat - never see it again!

肉包子打狗--有去无回对应英文:-- a dog meat

肉包子打狗--有去无回。 肉包子打狗--白扔东西。 肉包子打狗--有去无来。 见《歇后语词典》北京出版社 年版 页对应英文:-- a dog meat. Dog meat - white throw things. Dog meat - there is No. See "saying" Beijing dictionary press

肉包子打狗……有去无回对应英文:Dog meat...... No return

肉包子打狗--有去无回 (不是耍什么心眼吧)对应英文:-- a dog meat (not playing what mind.)

话说济公从富贵家公子哥落魄为乞丐后,流落街头,买包子的大妈看他可怜就给了他各大包子。可巧有条大狗看见...狗叼着包子就不追她了。可谓肉包子大狗有去无回啊对应英文:Words from the rich young man in any home as beggars, street to buy steamed stuffed bun, aunt see his poor gave him the steamed stuffed bun. He has a big dog saw... The dog buns would not chase after her. Is meat buns big dog you ah


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