

冒天下之大不韪对应英文:Against the tide

如今敢于“冒天下之大不韪”的人已经越来越少了。对应英文:Now dare to "against" the people have less and less.

因此,让我冒天下之大不韪,考虑一下眼下买房子的积极一面。对应英文:So, let me against the tide, consider the positive aspects of buying a house now.

她真想知道他这时候在想些什么,他心目中怎样看待她,他是否会冒天下之大不韪,依旧对她有好感。对应英文:She really want to know what he thinking at this time, his mind how to think of her, if he will against the tide, still had a crush on her.

因此,让我冒天下之大不韪,考虑一下眼下买房子的积极一面。对应英文:So, let me against the tide, consider the positive aspects of buying a house now.

她真想知道他这时候在想些什么,他心目中怎样看待她,他是否会冒天下之大不韪,依旧对她有好感。对应英文:She really want to know what he thinking at this time, his mind how to think of her, if he will against the tide, still had a crush on her.

她说她豁出去了,如果我敢冒天下之大不韪,她愿意承担一切后果。对应英文:She said she was throwing caution to the wind, if I dare to risk she's willing to bear all the consequences.

中卫坎贝尔有望在周三晚上客战热刺的德比中首发,他可能依然是主队球迷发泄不满的对象,因为他在2001年夏天冒天下之大不韪跨越了北伦敦死敌的转会鸿沟来到阿森纳。对应英文:At spurs defender sol Campbell is expected on Wednesday night's Derby, he may still is the object of the home fans expressed their anger, because he was in the summer of 2001 across the north London rivals for the transfer of risk gap came to Arsenal.

事实上,我也不敢冒天下之大不韪。 我想说的是,衰退只不过是全球化大潮中的一朵小浪花,是在美国劳动力市场的具体体现。对应英文:In fact, I also dare not against the tide.

美国同时卷入了两场战争,其中一场是布什冒天下之大不韪发动的。对应英文:The United States at the same time involved in two wars, one of the field was launched against the bush.

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