

西出阳关无故人对应英文:West the sunlight without any reason

这句话的意思是向西走出了阳关,就可能再也碰不到认识的人了。对应英文:The meaning of this sentence is the west out of the sunlight, you could not touch people.

故人老朋友。故人是指象王维一样在这位姓元的友人身边的老朋友。对应英文:Old friends and old friends. Old friends is like Wang Wei in the surname yuan friends around the old friend.

"西出阳关无故人"之感,又何尝只属于行者呢临别依依,要说的话很多,但千头万绪,一时竟不知从何说起。这种场合,往往会出现无言相对的沉默,"劝君更尽一杯酒",就是不自觉地...对应英文:"West out without a man" in a sense, it only belongs to Walker. Parting parting, to say a lot, but a multitude of things, temporarily and unexpectedly don't know where to start. On such occasions, often can appear relatively silent silence, "persuade more to make a glass of wine", is not consciously...

故人老朋友。君才是元二故人是指象王维一样在这位姓元的友人身边的老朋友。楼上的简直胡说!对应英文:Old friends and old friends. Eagle is the two friends is like Wang Wei in the surname yuan friends around the old friend. The upstairs is nonsense!

王维 《渭城曲》 渭城朝雨浥轻尘, 客舍青青柳色新。 劝君更进一杯酒, 西出阳关无故人。对应英文:Wang Wei a song at Weicheng a morning-rain has settled the dust in Weicheng; willows are green again in the tavern dooryard. Advise you more into a glass of wine, Xi out without a man.

西出阳关无故人 送元二使安西 楼上错了 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》王昌龄寒雨③连江夜入吴④, 平明⑤送客⑥楚山⑦孤。 洛阳亲友如相问, 一片冰心在玉壶⑨。《送元二使安西》王...对应英文:West out without a man sent $two in "upstairs" Hibiscus house send wrong "Wang Changling Xin Jian cold rain in Lianjiang night into the dawn and see the Wu, Chu mountain and solitary. Luoyang friends such as phase asked, a pure and noble character in the jade. "Send two yuan" King "...

王维 渭城朝雨浥轻尘, 客舍青青柳色新。 劝君更尽一杯酒, 西出阳关无故人。对应英文:Wang Wei morning rain has settled the dust, Ke she liuse new green. Wait till we empty one more cup. West of Yang gate there'll be no old friends.

"西出阳关无故人",临别依依,要说的话很多,但千头万绪,一时竟不知从何说起。 我劝您再多饮一杯离别的酒,出阳关西行就再遇不到老朋友了对应英文:"West Guan Yang for no reason," parting parting, to say a lot, but a multitude of things, temporarily and unexpectedly don't know where to start. I advise you to drink a cup of farewell wine, Yang West, not to meet an old friend

故人老朋友。 君才是元二 故人是指象王维一样在这位姓元的友人身边的老朋友。对应英文:Old friends and old friends. Eagle is the two friends is like Wang Wei in the surname yuan friends around the old friend.

劝君更尽一杯酒, 西出阳关无故人。 这是一首送朋友去西北边疆的诗。安西,是唐中央政府为统辖西域地区而设的安西都护府的简称,治所在龟兹城(今新疆库车)。这位姓元的...对应英文:Wait till we empty one more cup. West of Yang gate there'll be no old friends. This is a song to send a friend to the northwest frontier poetry. Anxi, is the central government of Tang for the governance of the western regions located in Anxi frontier command abbreviation, where the Kucha city (now Xinjiang Kuche). The surname yuan...



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