

不打无把握之仗对应英文:Fight no battle unprepared

(一九四七年十二月二十五日) 我们的军事原则是()不打无准备之仗,不打无把握之仗,每战都应力求有准备,力求在敌我条件对比下有胜利的把握。对应英文:(December 25, 1947) the military is the principle of our () do not fight the battle unprepared, fight no battle unprepared, in every battle, should be ready, make every effort to ensure victory in conditions as between the enemy and grasp.

, . 不打无准备之仗,不打无把握之仗对应英文:, do not fight the battle unprepared, fight no battle unprepared

(一九四七年十二月二十五日) 我们的军事原则是()不打无准备之仗,不打无把握之仗,每战都应力求有准备,力求在敌我条件对比下有胜利的把握。 全文请浏览 ....对应英文:(December 25, 1947) the military is the principle of our () do not fight the battle unprepared, fight no battle unprepared, in every battle, should be ready, make every effort to ensure victory in conditions as between the enemy and grasp. The full text. Please visit..

、我国军事力量发展还不领先,相对日本海军还有差距。时辰未到。 、不打无把握之仗,一旦开战,很难控制。 、中国主张和平外交政策。 首先,要想发展就要考虑大局,...对应英文:China's military development, also not lead, the Japanese Navy and the relative gap. The time has not to. No, you are not sure of winning, once started, it is difficult to control. China, advocated the peaceful foreign policy. First of all, want to develop it must consider the overall situation,...

自己的人生你好好把握吧对应英文:Your life you live

. 不打无准备之仗,不打无把握之仗,每战都应力求有准备,力求在敌我条件对比下有胜利的把握。 . 发扬勇敢战斗、不怕牺牲、不怕疲劳和连续作战(即在短期内不休息地接...对应英文:Do not fight the battle unprepared, fight no battle unprepared, in every battle, should be ready, make every effort to ensure victory in conditions as between the enemy and grasp. . develop courage in battle, fear no sacrifice, no fear of fatigue, and continuous fighting (i.e. not break ground in the short term...

一比吓一跳 不吃黄连,不知啥叫苦 不吃馒头争(蒸)口气 不吃羊肉惹身臊 不打不相识 不打无把握之仗 不打无准备之仗 不当家不知柴米贵 不到黄河心不死 不费吹灰之力 不分...对应英文:Than a jump not eat Coptis, never complain do not eat Steamed buns for (steamed) tone not eat mutton with Sao Out of blows friendship grows fight no battle unprepared do not fight the battle unprepared not home I do not know Chai Migui not to the Yellow River heart die as easy as blowing off dust not...

德国打过波兰、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡、法国、丹麦、挪威、芬兰、荷兰、英国、希腊、罗马尼亚、北非、苏联 意大利打过埃塞俄比亚、法国、埃及、利比亚、希腊(没打赢,还...对应英文:Germany, Belgium, Holland played Poland, Luxemburg, France, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Holland, Britain, Greece, Romania, North Africa, the Soviet Union Italy played Ethiopia, France, Egypt, Libya, Greece (didn't win, but also...

他这么做,固然是性格谨慎的使然,和他气魄不足及常年征战形成的不打无把握之仗的理念有关,更主要的是他经过冷静思虑的结果。根据他当时的言论和态度,我揣摩着用两句话...对应英文:He did so, is cautious about that character, and his boldness and perennial conquests forms not you are not sure of winning ideas, more important is he after sober thought results. According to his speech and manner, I figured with two words...

单挑不怕日本啊,哪怕我们被打瘫了也要把小日本从地图上摸掉.对应英文:One fear Japan ah, even if we were to play out will take small Japan from the map, touch off


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