

打不着野狼打家狗对应英文:Not a wolf dozen dog

糊涂一时 从刀尖上爬过来的 从小离娘,到大话长 打不着狐狸惹身骚 打不着野狼打家狗 打柴的不能跟放羊的走 打倒不如说倒 打灯笼找不着 打掉门牙往肚里咽 打狗还得看主...对应英文:A fool from tip to climb over it's a long story to tell, not play the fox with Sao not wolf dozen dog firewood can't go down rather than sheep would hit the lantern can not find out the front teeth to swallow either we still see the lord...

所以就这样了。 家狗和野狼混群或杂交的事情是很常见的。对应英文:So so. The dog and the wolf group mixed or hybrid thing is very common.

体型不一样 狼体形较大 非洲野犬体形较小 二者相同点 、都有聚群生活集体捕食的习性 、均性凶残,野狗不仅更凶猛而且更残忍,与狼比较有过之而无不及。对应英文:Body is not the same as the wolf is bigger Africa wild dog smaller two same points, there are clusters of collective foraging habits, life was brutal, wild dogs is not only more fierce and more cruel, and the wolf is go beyond.

打不着野狼打家狗  打柴的不能跟放羊的走  打倒不如说倒  打灯笼找不着  打掉门牙往肚里咽  打狗还得看主人  打虎不成反被虎伤  打酒向提瓶子的要钱 ...对应英文:Not a wolf dozen dog firewood can't go down rather than sheep would hit the lantern can not find out front tooth to swallow the dog will have to see the master tiger was not anti tiger injury to the bottle for wine...

从刀尖上爬过来的 从小离娘,到大话长 打不着狐狸惹身骚 打不着野狼打家狗 打柴的不能跟放羊的走 打倒不如说倒 打灯笼找不着 打掉门牙往肚里咽 打狗还得看主人 打虎不...对应英文:Climbing down from the tip of the it's a long story to tell, not play the fox with Sao not wolf dozen dog firewood can't go down rather than sheep would hit the lantern can not find out front tooth to swallow the dog will have to see the master tiger not...

从刀尖上爬过来的 、从小离娘,到大话长 、打不着狐狸惹身骚 、打不着野狼打家狗 、、打柴的不能跟放羊的走 、打倒不如说倒 、打灯笼找不着 、打掉门牙...对应英文:Climbing down from the tip, it's a long story to tell, not a fox, make body show, not a wolf dog, playing at home, not with the sheep go firewood, down down, rather than playing lanterns can not find, knock teeth...

从小离娘,到大话长 、打不着狐狸惹身骚 、打不着野狼打家狗 、、打柴的不能跟放羊的走 、打倒不如说倒 、打灯笼找不着 、打掉门牙往肚里咽 、打狗还得看...对应英文:It's a long story to tell, not a fox, make body show, not a wolf dog, playing at home, not with the sheep go firewood, down down, rather than playing lanterns can not find, knock teeth to swallow, we still see...

彼一时 聪明一世,糊涂一时 从刀尖上爬过来的 从小离娘,到大话长 打不着狐狸惹身骚 打不着野狼打家狗 打柴的不能跟放羊的走 打倒不如说倒 打灯笼找不着 打掉门牙往肚里...对应英文:One smart as a rule, a fool from tip to climb over it's a long story to tell, not play the fox with Sao not wolf dozen dog firewood can't go down rather than sheep would hit the lantern can not find out the front teeth to the stomach...

出屁来--别想龙王爷放屁--神气龙眼核擦屁股--全靠各人的本事龙头不拉拉马尾--用力不对路打不着野狼打家狗--拿自己人出气打猫儿吓贼--虚张声势叫化子夸祖业--自己没出...对应英文:Fart came -- don't think long Wang fart -- air longan bottoms -- all by his ability not lesbian -- hard right leading of cauda equina play no wolf dozen dog -- take their people out playing cat scared thief -- make an empty show of strength beggar boast property -- not out...

打不着野狼打家狗   打柴的不能跟放羊的走   打倒不如说倒   打灯笼找不着   打掉门牙往肚里咽   打狗还得看主人   打开天窗说亮话   打破砂锅问到底 ...对应英文:Not a wolf dozen dog firewood can't go down rather than sheep would hit the lantern can not find out front tooth to swallow the dog will have to see the master frankly speaking give the third degree...


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