

反咬一口对应英文:Never bite

稀奇的是,执着的人们如何反咬一口。对应英文:Curiously, dedicated people to bite.

伊特林格说:“危险在于‘设置了一个日后会反咬一口的高期望’。”对应英文:Etter Lingle said: "the danger is that 'set a date will bite back high expectations'."

海王星有时是一面双刃剑,你要对此警觉防止被反咬一口。对应英文:Neptune is sometimes is a double-edged sword, you need to be aware of so get kicked in the teeth.

伊特林格说:“危险在于‘设置了一个日后会反咬一口的高期望’。”对应英文:Etter Lingle said: "the danger is that 'set a date will bite back high expectations'."

海王星有时是一面双刃剑,你要对此警觉防止被反咬一口。对应英文:Neptune is sometimes is a double-edged sword, you need to be aware of so get kicked in the teeth.

与此同时,强权政治也会反咬一口,中国正在艰难地了解这个世界的运行方式以及单一维度(译者注:原文为unimensional)的对外直接投资方式或许无法使其利益最大化。对应英文:At the same time, power politics and will never bite, Chinese are struggling to understand the mode of operation of the world and single dimension (translator's note: the original unimensional) foreign direct investment may not be the maximum benefit.

这些毒蛇被攻击时自然会反咬一口,那么这就引出了一个问题:眼镜王蛇是如何维持这样一种明显高风险的生活方式的?对应英文:These venomous attacks will bite back, so this begs the question: the king cobra is how to maintain such a significantly higher risk of life?

从历史上看,美国帮助的国家往往在最后反咬一口。对应英文:Look from the history, American help countries often in the last bite.

巴基斯坦被它自己一手培养的伊斯兰武装分子反咬了一口。对应英文:Pakistan is itself a hand culture of Islamic militants bite a mouthful.

如果遇上心善的坐轿机构或大户,还会赚俩脚力钱,如果碰上蛇蝎心肠的坐轿机构或大户,弄不好反咬你一口,连本都搭上。对应英文:The case of heart good zuojiao institutions or large, will make two money, if the snake hit the heart of the institutions or large, lane is bad to bite you, even have to catch this.

根本不必回头去看咒骂你的人是谁?如果有一条疯狗咬你一口,难道你也要趴下去反咬他一口吗?对应英文:Do not look back to see who curse you? If there is a mad dog bites you, you have to get down to bite him a bite?

如果你收养一只饿狗并使它过上好日子,它不会反咬你一口。这就是狗和人的最大不同。对应英文:If you pick up a starving dog and make it a good life, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and human.

这种认知上的不诚形为可能在两方面上会反咬北京一口。对应英文:This perceived disingenuousness may be in two respects will bite at Beijing port.

去年五月提出的救助希腊公共财务危机的计划反而反咬了希腊一口。对应英文:Rescue Greece's public financial crisis last May proposed plan but never the Greek port.

当这种幽默方式被诋毁使,最开始谈这个笑话的人往往以只是开玩笑来反击,开这种玩笑要避免被别人反咬你一口。对应英文:When this kind of humor is the most vilified, began to talk about the joke people tend to just make fun of to fight back, play this joke to avoid being bite you.

没想到时隔多年,对这位老先生的取笑却反咬我一口。对应英文:Unexpectedly, after many years, the old gentleman to make fun of me up export.

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