

不养儿不知父母恩对应英文:Without her grace

我刚做了妈妈,完全能体会做父母的心情,但是观念这方面的话毕竟他们是老人,经历过旧社会跟我们现在的生活环境不一样,他们那时候哪知道电脑、手机啊,现在很多也不会用电...对应英文:I just did mom, can fully understand the feelings of the parents, but the concept of it because they are old, experienced the old society is not the same as with our current living environment, they know what the computer, mobile phone ah, now a lot of no electricity...

父母生下你容易吗十月怀胎母亲就吃了多少苦啊!没亲身怀过的人很难知道.生小孩有是多痛苦!从生下你到现在,又受到什么苦你知道吗你假如有一点头痛脑热,父母就会吃不下...对应英文:Parents give birth to you easily it October be pregnant mother eat much bitter ah! I had never had a person is hard to know. The baby is suffering from birth to now! You, and by what bitter you know if you have a headache and slight fever, parents will not eat...

当你自己有子女的时候 知道养育子女不容易 就会体会到父母的不容易 懂得父母的恩之深重对应英文:When you have children know that parenting is not easy to feel the parents is not easy to know the parents of Grace's grave

英语的翻译是这样的 ' ' ...对应英文:The English translation is like this. ''...

可怜天下父母心啊,如果你有生之年没有养育子女就根本不能体会父母养育你的深恩!对应英文:Pitiful world parents heart ah, if you the rest of one's life without raising children is not the experience of parenting you deep well!

不养儿不知父母恩对应英文:Without her grace

中国有句古话"不养儿不知父母恩。"也许,当我们在为人父母之时,会对母亲的苦心有所感悟吧。   "找点空闲,找点时间……常回家看看……"熟悉的旋律又一次响起。歌声中...对应英文:China saying "without her grace. "Perhaps, when we as parents when, on his mother's feeling. "Find some free time, find time...... Often go home to have a look...... "The familiar melody sounded again. The song...

含义深刻啊!在生个娃,从一把屎一把尿,喂一口奶到喂一口饭,他哭你要逗到不哭,他不哭你要逗到他笑,他笑你要陪着他傻笑,慢慢的你就能体会到了。对应英文:The meaning is profound! In a baby, from a shit a urine, fed a milk to feed a meal, he cried you make to do not cry, he did not cry you make him laugh, his smile you to accompany him giggle, slowly you will be able to understand.

额 百度一下啊对应英文:The amount of Baidu Search ah

父母含辛如苦的把自己养大,受的气不说,还要很好的教育自己,怕走上歪路,担心受怕的一辈子,也许还会被别人指责,怎么带的。只有自己有自己的孩子了,才会知道自己的父母...对应英文:Parents with Xin as hard to raise their own, by gas did not say, but also a very good education himself, if astray, fear of life, may be blamed by others, how to take the. Only they have children of their own, will know that their parents...


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