

善藏者善生存对应英文:Zenzo Shan Shengcun

第四中有 善守者藏于九地之下,善攻者动于九天之上,故能自保而全胜也。 所谓九地,并不是说是地下,而是指民间,而九天,也不是说天上,而是指军事政权。所以孙子兵法中讲...对应英文:Article 4 a good defense will to hide under nine to, good attack were moving at over nine days, so it can protect themselves and victory. The so-called nine, is not to say that is underground, but refers to the folk, but on the nine day, also is not to say it, but that the military regime. So the Sun Tzu said...

丹之所藏者赤,漆之所藏者黑。是以君子必慎其所处者焉" 翻译 孔子说我死之后,子夏会比以前更有进步,而子贡会比以前有所退步"曾子问为什么呢"孔子说子夏喜爱同比自...对应英文:Dan's are red, the paint's black. As a gentleman must be careful of the person who "translation Confucius said after I die, a more progress than before, and the master than before, regress" Zeng Zi asked why "Confucius said a year-on-year from love...

与不善人居,如入鲍鱼之肆,久而不闻其臭,亦与之化矣。丹之所藏者赤,漆之所藏者黑,是以君子必慎其所与处者焉。" 译文 孔子说商人喜欢和说自己好话的人相处,身在高...对应英文:And poor human settlements, such as objectionable environment, long and not smell the smell, also with it. Dan's are red, the paint's black, with will be a gentleman in the and I am. "The Confucius businessmen like and speak up for themselves to get along with others, in the high...

当兵或是军官,痣藏在里面最好,做文化的搞教育的,痣显露出来最佳。《孙子兵法》说兵善藏者藏于九地之下,老子也说,国之利器不可轻易示人。都可以吻合这个道理。但是做文...对应英文:A soldier or officer, mole inside the best, culture education, nevus revealed the best. "The art of war" said soldiers good hide to hide under nine to me, say, the tool can not be showed easily. Can fit this truth. But to do this...

孙子兵法云善藏者藏弱点,善攻者用优点 切记,我看孙子兵法一千遍得出的这个结论。保证你逢凶化吉,左右逢源,遇事不乱,步步升迁。对应英文:Military science of Sun Tzu Yun Shan hide hidden weaknesses, good attack were advantages of remember, this conclusion I see Sun Tzu's art of war one thousand times the. Ensure that you turn calamities into blessings, both ways, failing to chaos, step-by-step promotion.

了解他人的人,别人在他眼里没有任何秘密。 出处善藏者人不可知,能知者人无以藏。对应英文:To understand others, others in his eyes don't have any secrets. The source of good reservoir person unknown, can know no tibetan.

生二子,长莲池,幼雷溪。莲生存素,素生孟回,孟回生方镇,方镇生阜,阜生石岚、石岩。岚生二子希古、复古,复...诫曰届兹乱世,藏者当如金玉。谦之子翕,翕生二子长清隐、...对应英文:Two of health, long pond, young thunder creek. Ephraim was born of survivin, Meng Hui, Meng retrogradation Fang Zhen Zhen Sheng Fu, party, Shi Lan, Yan fu. LAN two of health Xigu, retro, complex... Commandment session in troubled times, hide when such as gold. His son Xi, Xi 'two Changqing hidden,...

(七)坚牢不动义,土地坚实不可移动,喻菩萨的菩提妙心,坚如金刚,不可破坏。 藏者,具有秘密包容含育等义。指地藏菩萨处于甚深静虑之中,能够含育对应英文:(seven) fast fixed meaning land solid, not moving, Miao Yu Buddha bodhi mind, hard as a diamond, which can not be destroyed. Hidden, secret inclusive education justice has containing. The Earth Store Bodhisattva in deep meditation, capable of containing fertile

因事先不知道而有所冒犯,就不加怪罪。 丹之所藏者赤 比喻交朋友必须谨慎选择。 当局者迷 迷糊涂,迷惑。指... 来者不善,善者不来 来的不怀善意,有善意的不会来。 来者居...对应英文:Because do not know in advance and be offended, do not blame. Dan's "red metaphor to make friends must be careful. Those closely involved cannot see clearly. confused Tu, confused. Finger... Come with evil intent, would not come to do not have good intentions, white won't come. Come home...

此外,参礼六地藏(教化六道之地藏菩萨)、延命地藏、胜军地藏者亦颇多。(金刚三昧经、大方等大集经卷五十七、旧译华严经卷四十四、大宝积经卷一、地藏菩萨陀罗尼经、...对应英文:In addition, Shen Li (six Jizo Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha six Enlightenment), prolongation of Ksitigarbha, Shengjun Ksitigarbha who also have. (Jin Gang samadhi Sutra, and a large set of books fifty-seven, forty-four old translation of Huayan scriptures, Dabao product via a, Earth Store Bodhisattva dharani,...


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