

一将功成万骨枯对应英文:One will work million bone dry

全诗是 泽国江山入战图,生民何计乐樵苏 凭君莫话封侯事,一将功成万骨枯! 诗人在这里丝毫没有歌颂成功者(功成之将)的意思,也不是简单的比较成功与代价的合算不合算,...对应英文:The poem is filled in Jiangshan chart, people he Jile Qiao Su with words not Fenghou matter, achieves guku million! Here the poet did not sing the praises of success (success will mean it), is not a simple comparison of the success and cost uneconomical,...

成就一个伟大的将领,需要无数战士的流血牺牲。下面,引用一下我从 知道 里面搜索到的现有的答案一将功成万骨枯 这是唐代曹松《己亥岁》中的诗句。全诗如下泽国江山入...对应英文:The achievements of a great general, need to countless soldiers bloodshed. The following quote, I know, from the search for answers to the inside of the achieves guku million this is Cao Song of the Tang Dynasty "Ji Hai years" in the poem. The poem below Zeguo in jiangshan...

付出一定的代价。没有付出,更多的是悲壮的人生和可贵的牺牲。 凭君莫话封侯事,一将功成万骨枯。"--唐代诗人曹松《己亥岁》对应英文:Pay the price. No pay, more is the tragic life and the noble sacrifice. By not words Fenghou matter, achieves guku million. Tang Dynasty poet Cao Song "--" Ji Hai years "

下面,引用一下我从 知道 里面搜索到的现有的答案 一将功成万骨枯 这是唐代曹松《己亥岁》中的诗句。全诗如下泽国江山入战图,生民何计乐樵苏。凭君莫话封侯事,一将功成万骨枯...对应英文:The following quote, I know, from the search for answers to the inside of the achieves guku million this is Cao Song of the Tang Dynasty "Ji Hai years" in the poem. The poem below Zeguo Jiangshan into war, people he Jile Qiao su. By not words Fenghou matter, achieves guku million...

一将功成万骨枯 (í à ō é à ǔ ū)   解释一个将帅的成功是靠牺牲成千上万人的生命换来的。   这是唐代曹松《己亥岁》中的诗句。全诗如下泽国江...对应英文:Achieves guku million (í à ō é à ǔ ū) explain a general success is bought by sacrificing tens of thousands of human life. This is Cao Song of the Tang Dynasty "Ji Hai years" in the poem. The poem follows the flooding river...

"一将功成万骨枯"的大意是一个将军的封侯晋爵是踩在千百万士兵的尸骨上前进的。 或者理解为 成就一名天下闻名的将军,要牺牲千千万万的无名士兵对应英文:"Will I said bone dry" is a general Fenghou Jinjue is stepping forward in the millions of soldiers on the bones. Or the achievements of a world famous generals, the sacrifice of thousands on thousands of the unknown soldier

本成语本身并不带有贬义性,因此,我们可以这么说拿破伦此人真是一将功成万骨枯。此外,还可以引申到一场战役如,三大战役等。这是唐代曹松《己亥岁》中的诗句。全诗如下...对应英文:The phrase itself is not pejorative, therefore, we can say that Napoleon person is really achieves guku million. In addition, can also be extended to a battle, battle of the three. This is Cao Song of the Tang Dynasty "Ji Hai years" in the poem. The poem is as follows...

全诗如下 泽国江山入战图,生民何计乐樵苏。 凭君莫话封侯事,一将功成万骨枯对应英文:The poem below Zeguo Jiangshan into war, people he Jile Qiao su. By not words Fenghou matter, achieves guku million

生民何计乐樵苏 凭君莫话封侯事,一将功成万骨枯! 诗人在这里丝毫没有歌颂成功者(功成之将)的意思,也不是简单的比较成功与代价的合算不合算,而是诅咒祸害人民的战争,...对应英文:The people he Jile Qiao Su with words not Fenghou matter, achieves guku million! Here the poet did not sing the praises of success (success will mean it), is not a simple comparison of the success and cost uneconomical, but cursed the scourge of war,...

泽国江山入战图,生民何计乐樵苏。凭君莫话封侯事,一将功成万骨枯.对应英文:Zeguo Jiangshan chart, where people Jile Qiao su. By not words Fenghou matter, achieves guku million

俗语一将功成万骨枯yī jiàng gōng chéng wàn gǔ kū是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/19.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

马克思的一段“名言”来形容资本家追逐利润的贪婪:“一有适当的利润,资本就会非常胆壮起来。只要有10%的利润,它就会到处被人使用;有20%,就会活泼起来;有50%,就会引起积极的冒险;有100%,就会使人不顾一切法律;有300%,就会使人不怕犯罪,甚至不怕绞首的危险。” 本来总是以为这是马克思在形容西方资本家用词,真的很难想像也适应我们的国情。而许多的官员为了所谓的政绩、膨胀的私欲,不惜一切代价为那些贪婪的人营造着环境,让他们滋生,让他们杀人于无形。本来修来的一条道路是让大众走的,可偏偏滋生那么多的拦路虎;本来一条道路可以走上数几十年的,可偏偏过了春天到不了冬天路便塌陷了;本来种花植树是希望能鸟语花香绿树成荫,可偏偏刚发芽扎根便要更换新的品类;本来建设一座大楼是可以坚固上百年的,可偏偏住不到数十载便成了危房。有硝烟的战场是可怕的,没有硝烟的战场更可怕。总有一天,所有的人们都会醒来的,“将军荣”与“万骨枯”不再会有任何的联系! 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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