

诗成不厌百回改对应英文:The poem into 100 back tire change

好歌唱回也不嫌烦,好书读次也不嫌烦,要报着怀疑的态度读书,...已经很白话了...对应英文:In sings back is not too tired, good read time is not too tired, want to report suspicious reading,... Is the vernacular...

旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。 他年名宦恐不免,今日栖迟那可追。 我昔家居断还往,著书不复窥园葵。 朅来东游慕人爵,弃去旧学従儿嬉。 狂谋谬算百不遂,惟有霜鬓来如...对应英文:Not object to a hundred books to read, who thoroughly read and deeply think. His official fear not, habitat late that can catch today. I used Home Furnishing broken into, books no longer see Park sunflower. Leave to the East for the Renjue, discard the old dependence play. Crazy and absurd is 100 to fail, but to such as downy...

宋时苏轼云故书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。对应英文:When the Song Dynasty Su Shiyun book is 100 read back, who thoroughly read and deeply think.

旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。 "百读不厌"这个成语就出在这里。望采纳对应英文:Not object to a hundred books to read, who thoroughly read and deeply think. "Be worth reading a hundred times" this idiom came out here. Hope to adopt

旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。苏轼 【注】旧书经典 【释义】经典要多读,多读并且深思后个中道理自然也就知道了。对应英文:Not object to a hundred books to read, who thoroughly read and deeply think. Su Shi [note] [] classical interpretation of classic books to read more, read more and think about why nature will know.

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

百读不厌〖解释〗厌厌烦,厌倦。读一百遍也不会感到厌烦。形容诗文或书籍写得非常好,不论读多少遍也不感到厌倦。〖出处〗宋·苏轼《送安敦秀才失解西归》诗"旧书不厌百回...对应英文:Be worth reading a hundred times on the interpretation tired tired, tired. Read it one hundred times will not feel bored. Describe the poetry or books written in a very good, no matter how many times do not feel tired of reading. "The source" Song Dynasty Su Shi "send an Dun scholar de Xi GUI" poem "old 100 back tire...

旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。 "百读不厌"这个成语就出在这里。"旧书"指的是经典,所以要"熟读深思"。《...固然经典值得"百回读",但是这里着重的还在那读书的人。简化...对应英文:Not object to a hundred books to read, who thoroughly read and deeply think. "Be worth reading a hundred times" this idiom came out here. "Books" refers to "classic, so thoroughly read and deeply think". "Classic"... Is worth 100 read back ", but the is still that people reading. Simplify.

苏轼 旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。 他年名宦恐不免,今日栖迟那可追。 我昔家居断还往,著书不复窥园葵。 朅来东游慕人爵,弃去旧学従儿嬉。 狂谋谬算百不遂,惟有霜...对应英文:Su Shi not object to a hundred books to read, who thoroughly read and deeply think. His official fear not, habitat late that can catch today. I used Home Furnishing broken into, books no longer see Park sunflower. Leave to the East for the Renjue, discard the old dependence play. Crazy and absurd is 100 to fail, but the cream...

好曲不厌百回唱,好书不厌百回读.读书贵能疑,一能得教益.默读便于思索,朗读便于记忆对应英文:The melody is 100 to sing, the book is 100 to read. Reading you can suspect, a wisdom. Read to think, read aloud for memory


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