

有钱难买愿意对应英文:Money can't buy to

就是不管有没有钱只要自己意愿想做就做,不考虑外部的因素。对应英文:That no matter how no money as long as you will want to do it, do not consider external factors.

金钱对人的物质世界有很强的影响力 但是对人的精神世界的影响力有限对应英文:Money on the material world has a strong influence on people's spiritual world, but the influence is limited

有钱买马,没钱买鞍 有钱难买愿意 有钱难买早知道 这是俗语之一,没有下句。对应英文:Money to buy horses, no money to buy a saddle money to buy want money to buy early know this is saying, not the next sentence.

的价值你远远没有发现~~~~~~~ 比的单项功能好的手机太多了,但是整体上,没有一部手机可以媲美~~~ 它不会过时...水货..对应英文:The value of your far found no, than the single function of mobile phone too much, but on the whole, do not have a mobile phone can be comparable to ~ ~ ~ it timeless... Smuggled goods

不一定,要看他的经济情况这么样如果很宽裕也许是他有点吝啬,如果不宽裕,那就更不用说了,属于节约性的,有时候要理解他....还有看他找的什么样的借口推也许他是个大老粗...对应英文:Not necessarily, to see his economic situation so if enough maybe he's a bit tight, if not good, not to mention it, belong to economy, sometimes to understand him... And see him looking for what made excuses for perhaps he is a redneck...

可以,扣扣对应英文:Can, buckle

买大奔 砸着玩 大奔 现在也就多个 买个游轮撞浑河桥 这个多点 船国产的也就来个 富民桥 造价才个亿 撞塌修的话也就顶多个亿 要不就买个市府门前的太阳鸟 不...对应英文:Buy a big hit play big now has more to buy a cruise into Hunhe River bridge the more ships made also a Fumin Bridge cost only a million crashed into something is at most a billion or to buy a city in front of the sun bird not...

())) 唉 天天都有人做梦 这个世界啊 真是乱套!!对应英文:())) Oh, every day there are dreaming the world ah what a mess!!

有钱就不等于就能收购而不管对于愿不愿意,就算被收购的公司愿意被你收购,有时候若涉及相关垄断、国家利益等方面的问题,各个国家的相关部门基于其国家的法律对于相关的...对应英文:Money is not equal to the acquisition and whether willing or not, even if the acquired company is willing to be your purchase, sometimes if the related monopoly, the interests of the state and other issues, the relevant departments of various countries based on its national law for the...

如果对方是上市公司你可以买股票就可以。不是上市公司是国有企业,需要审计部门评估资产后有同级政府主管部门企业局与对方协商收购事宜。如是民营企业仍要双方商议后办...对应英文:If the other party is listing Corporation, you can buy the stock can be. Not the listing Corporation are state-owned enterprises, need to audit department assessment of assets after the government department in charge of the enterprise administration negotiated acquisition. If private enterprises still negotiations after the office...


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