

江山易改性难移对应英文:Jiangshan easy to difficult to shift

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

形容人的本性难以改变。 【出 处】元·无名氏《谢金吾》第三折"可不的江山易改,本性难移。" 【示 例】屡次说你,你总不听。真是~。 ★巴金《家》 【用法】作定语、宾语...对应英文:Describe the human nature to change. [is] anonymous yuan, "Xie Jinwu" article seventy percent off "is not easy to change rivers, rivers. "[example] repeatedly that you, you never listen. Really ~. ★ Ba Jin "home" [usage] as attribute, object...

江山易改性难移,劝君行事莫迟疑,昙花乍开又要谢,看花勿误好时机。 我认为哈,这句话说,江山易改性难移,劝君行事莫迟疑,指我们做事要果断,抓紧时间,抓住机遇,...对应英文:It is easy to modified difficult to move, I don't hesitate to act, Epiphyllum suddenly open and Xie, flowers do not miss good opportunity. I think ah, this sentence, it is easy to modification of hard shift, I do not hesitate, we has to be resolute, seize the day, seize the opportunity,...

只要男人有爱,事情就可以解决。但是这种状况,的确是需要一点手段了。那就是恶习和外遇一样的恶性循环。如何解决实在是一件头疼的事情。公开的谈,只会更隐蔽行踪,更难...对应英文:As long as there is love a man, everything will be ok. But this kind of situation, really need a little. That's bad habits and the same vicious spiral. It is a headache how to solve. Open about, only more subtle movements, more difficult...

江山易改,本性难移 "易"也做"可""本"也做"秉""江山"也做"山河"。 【解释】人的本性的改变,比江山的变迁还要难。形容人的本性难以改变。 【出处】明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言...对应英文:It is easy to change rivers, "easy" do "" "the" do "Bing" "Jiangshan" can do "mountains and rivers". [explain] change the nature of man, is more difficult than the landscape changes. Describe the human nature to change. [source] Ming Feng Menglong "forward...

"江山易改,本性难移"应该是从"江山易改,秉性难移 "和"江山易改,禀性难移"转换过来的,所以应该是明·冯梦龙在《醒世恒言》中提出的!!! 中华在线词典 江山易改,本性难移...对应英文:"It is easy to change, change from" should be "easy to change rivers, that being difficult to move" and "it is easy to change, hardly change human nature" converted, so it should be Ming Feng Menglong in the "forward" forward!!! The Chinese online dictionary, it is easy to change rivers...

江山易改本性难移 江山易改本性难移' ' 江山易改...对应英文:A leopard cannot change the leopard change his spots. '' it is easy to change...

本性是指一个人的良心!本性好坏是指有没有良心,人一出生是什么本性一生都不会改变!有良心的人有真情,犯了错能悔改良心受谴责!无良心的人没有真情,犯了错没有悔改表现...对应英文:Nature refers to a person's conscience! Nature is refers to has no conscience, a person is born is what nature will never change! The conscience of the people have the truth, make a mistake to repent conscience condemned! Without conscience is not the truth, make a mistake without repentance...

这要看是什么事情,其实我个人觉得只要一个人真心实意的想改变是完全没有问题的,所以更主要的是这个人内在是否愿意这么做。对应英文:It depends on what it is, in fact, I personally feel that as long as a person have a genuine and sincere desire to change is not the problem, so the more important is the intrinsic willing to do so.

对"江山易改,本性难移。"提供两种译法 、 , . 、 . --(史维都尼亚斯)的名言。  ...对应英文:"It is easy to change, to change. "With two translations,,.,. -- (Smith have Nias) quotes. ...


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