

穷乡多巨贪对应英文:How big the poor country

四季用神参考日主天干金生于冬季,必须有火、土相助,忌无火、土反而有金、水,忌木多而无火。 穷通宝鉴调候用神参考庚金生于丑月,仍取丁甲,次取丙火照暖,丙丁须临寅巳午...对应英文:Four seasons with God, Lord gold was born in the winter are reference, there must be a fire, Tsuchiai Suke, with no fire, but gold soil, water, avoid wood without fire. Poor Kam adjustable syndrome with God reference Geng Jin was born in ugly month, still take Ding Jia, take fire C according to warm, ting Lin Yin Si Wu must...

莱州月季花节   莱州素有"月季之乡"的美称,栽培月季花已有 多年历史,是我国最大的月季花生产基地。 年,莱州市人大常委会确定月季花为"莱州市花",定每年的 月...对应英文:Laizhou Rose Festival in Laizhou, known as the "Rose town" reputation, cultivation of rose flowers have a long history, is China's largest production base of the rose. Years, the Laizhou Municipal People's Congress determine rose as "Laizhou city", set every month...

《鹧鸪天》  家住苍烟落照间,丝毫尘事不相关。斟残玉瀣行穿竹,卷罢黄庭卧看山。  贪啸傲,任衰残,不妨随处一开颜。元知造物心肠别,老却英雄似等闲!  《渔家傲》...对应英文:"Partridge Sky" home pale smoke the glow of the setting sun, the slightest things not related. Pour remaining Xiehang wear jade bamboo, volume, Huang Ting Wo see mountain. Corruption and leading, Ren, might as well a smile everywhere. Element knowledge creation heart don't, old hero easily! "" yujiaao...

建昌县那穷地方 工资发的都不及时 领导干部那有一个好玩应还给你开发项目就算有 没有他们的好处他们能干么还开发项目呢!全让它们贪没了!对应英文:Jianchang County, the poor local wages are not timely leaders that have a fun project should be returned to you even if they did not have the benefits they could you project! Let them for no!

上游,不知原是木兰舟。   云旗猎猎翻青汉,雷鼓嘈嘈殷碧流。   屈子冤魂终古在,楚乡遗俗至今留。   江亭暇日堪高会,醉讽离骚不解愁。   同样是竞渡,在不同人的...对应英文:I do not know the original is the Magnolia boat upstream. Cloud banner fluttering over Qing Han, Lei Gu Cao Cao Yin Biliu. The ghost's instruments in, Chu Xiang relic has left. Jiang Ting Xia RI can be drunk as high, we don't worry. The same race, in different...

我知道他们。 那些不好的官员,我不了解他们。 裴佶姑父外廉内贪 唐朝人裴佶,曾经讲过这样一件事裴佶小时候,他姑夫在朝中为官,官声很好,被认为是清官。一次,裴佶到姑...对应英文:I know they. Officials who are not good, I don't know them. Pei Ji uncle and low in greedy people of the Tang Dynasty Pei Ji, have said such a thing Pei Ji when he was young, he was in an official proceeding, Guan Sheng good, is believed to be honest. Once, Pei Ji to gu...

及第巍 天生福禄禄佟辉 问到终身何所就 三七之内是荣华圣意 讼莫争 病难愈 名与利 莫贪取 问行人 信尚阻 能修善 有神助 东坡解 吉凶祸福 报应分明 若人祈祷 如谷应声...对应英文:Ji Diwei was born Fu Lu Lu asked Tong Hui to within three seven life what is glory Shengyi litigation not contend for disease refractory and Mo Tanqu asked Xin Shangzu to repair the good pedestrian helps Dongpo solution clearly if people pray weal and woe retribution if Valley immediately...

人不屑也。万钟则不辩礼义而受之,万钟于我何加焉!为宫室之美,妻妾之奉,所识穷乏者 得我与乡为身死而不受,今为宫室之美为之乡为身死而不巳受,今为妻妾之奉为之乡 为...对应英文:People disdain. Li Yi Wan Zhong is not debate by, in what I add clock how! Miyamuro Nomi, the wives, the general poor person I and for the body of death and not be, for the beauty of this house for for the body of death and not have, today for the wives as Xiang for the...

年间儒生周希陶曾进行过重订,很可能是民间创作的结晶。【原文】昔时贤文,诲语谆谆。集韵增广,多见多闻。观今宜鉴古,无古不成今。知己知彼,将心比心。博学而笃志,切问...对应英文:The Confucian scholar Zhou Xitao was booked between overweight, probably is the crystallization of folk creation. [sic] in the words of wisdom, teaching language ". Jiyun augmented, well-informed. This is the ancient concept discrimination, does not exist without history. Know yourself as well as the enemy feel for others. Erudite and Atsushi, cut asked...

攒"票子"。 可仔细琢磨,这话也未必全对。利用权利为自己攒"票子"的官员是贪官。但是,这"知县"的十万银子,是领导的俸禄,只是工资比师爷、衙役们高出许多而已,充其量也只...对应英文:"Save money". Be careful pondering over, it may not be all right. The right to amass "tickets" officials are corrupt officials. However, this "magistrate" one hundred thousand pieces of silver, was the leader of the salary, salary than a clerk, the Yamen runners is much higher, at best, only...


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