

是官比民强对应英文:Is the strong than people

一位权威学者发表观点认为,中国的官民比不是年两会时代表们议论的∶,而是他经过认真研究的∶。...他们不是官吗 三是事业单位中实际上有大量的官员。我国党政...对应英文:An authoritative scholar published view, the government and the people Chinese than years NPC and CPPCC era delegates talk, but he, after careful study. ... they not official three institutions actually has a large number of officials. Our party and government...

实际上,这种文学作品中的故事绝非虚构,而是中国古代官民矛盾的真实写照,它尖锐地揭露了古代中国社会"民不与官斗"的悲哀与无奈。      在古代中国,由于为官者掌握...对应英文:In fact, this kind of literature works in the story is not true portrayal of fictional, but Chinese ancient official civil conflicts, it sharply exposed ancient Chinese society "people do not fight with the officer" sad and helpless. In ancient China, due to an official who master...

国家忽悠国家,叫外交政府忽悠百姓,叫政策百姓忽悠政府,叫犯罪领导忽悠百姓,叫号召百姓忽悠领导,叫捣乱领导忽悠领导,叫交易百姓忽悠百姓,叫生意父母忽悠孩子,叫教育孩...对应英文:National Huyou state, called the foreign government 忽悠 people, called the policy people Huyou government, called crime leading 忽悠 people, station to station call people suddenly leadership, called trouble leadership suddenly leadership, trading people 忽悠 people, called business parents flicker the child, called education...

在我国,行政诉讼被俗称为"民告官"。这里的"官",即行政诉讼中的被告是指原告起诉其具体行政行为侵犯自己的合法权益,并经由人民法院通知应诉的行政机关或法律、法规、规...对应英文:In China, administrative litigation is commonly known as "public officials". Here the "officer", namely the defendant in administrative litigation refers to the prosecution of its specific administrative acts infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests, and through the people's court shall notify the respondent administrative organs or legal, regulations, compliance...

嗯,分为两种。一种是人民检察院代表国家行使公诉权控诉犯罪的,一种是以平等主体的身份出现,处理一般民事纠纷的。对应英文:Well, divided into two. A people's Procuratorate on behalf of the state public prosecution accused of crime, one is in the equal subject status, dealing with the general civil disputes.

关于这个,其实最好是找省级以上的法院来处理,或者是找省级以上的媒体来曝光你们这些事情。不过很难说,因为这些费用非常重,而且还很容易被官员们和谐掉重点就是看你们...对应英文:About this, in fact, it is best to find provincial court to deal with, or above the provincial level to find the media to expose you these things. But it's hard to say, because these costs are very heavy, and it is easy to be officials harmonious off key is to see you...

国土资源部督察局对应英文:Inspectorate of the Ministry of land and resources

道理很简单监督机构不能独立,相当于自己监督自己,监守自盗自然屡见不鲜。主动检查答案是自家兄弟,不能让大水冲了龙王庙。所以说,这种不独立的党内监督机构是非常荒谬...对应英文:The reason is simple supervision mechanism can not be independent, equivalent to monitor themselves, their natural It is often seen. Take the initiative to check the answer is his brother, can't let friendly fire. Therefore, inner party supervision mechanism of the independent is very absurd...

劳动纠纷,可以申请劳动仲裁,仲裁结果如果不满意,还可以向人民法院起诉,同时你也可以接受调解。你要收集相关证据。对应英文:Labor dispute, can apply for labor arbitration, the arbitration result if not satisfied, still can sue to people court, you can also accept the mediation. You have to collect relevant evidence.

根据最高人民法院关于执行《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》若干问题的解释规定人民法院直接受理的自诉案件包括(一)告诉才处理的案件、侮辱、诽谤案、暴力干涉婚姻...对应英文:According to the Supreme People's Court on some problems in the implementation of "the people's Republic of China Criminal Procedure Law" interpretation of the provisions of the people's court private prosecution cases directly accepted include (a) tell just processing cases, insult, libel, violence in marriage...


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