

不言不语念真经对应英文:Utter not a single word practice

弟弟梦见观音吟偈一首 一树黄杏各个青, 阴天下雨满天星, 三个和尚四面坐, 不言不语念真经。 翌日,二人便打点行装,起身遍寻师傅。数年后,来到子午岭秦直道地,景色殊异...对应英文:Brother dream of a Buddism godness Guanyin bard Verse a tree apricot cloudy and rainy all green, sky full of stars, three monks all sit, utter not a single word practice. The next day, two people packed up, and searched the master. A few years later, Ziwuling Qin straight to genuine, the scenery distinct...

(能) 九个和尚十下里坐,个位置个人(剩)。 不言不语念真经,不说话都能念经,真是(巧)和尚。 答案应该是(熟能生巧)对应英文:(can) nine and ten under the seat, a position man (left). Utter not a single word reading scriptures, do not speak to the Scriptures, is really (chocolate monk). The answer is (Skill comes.)

未之有也,这是古代的谜语,打一成语的谜面。对应英文:Did not have, this is ancient riddles, play a idiom riddle.

阴天下雨满天星, 三个和尚四面坐, 不言不语念真经。 翌日,二人便打点行装,起身遍寻师傅。数年后,来到子午岭秦直道地,景色殊异,蓦然向东,只见一处祥光映射,云雾缭绕。...对应英文:Cloudy and rainy sky full of stars, three monks all sit, utter not a single word practice. The next day, two people packed up, and searched the master. A few years later, Ziwuling Qin straight to genuine, the scenery distinct, suddenly to the East, saw a auspicious light mapping, wind around the clouds. ...

三个和尚四面坐, 不言不语念真经。 显然,这是首矛盾诗。 偶也曾见如下的诗歌 猴子吃香蕉 天上白云飘 白云是香蕉 猴子跟着白云飘 显然,三段论。(自己看看是不是打错了...对应英文:Three monks all sit, utter not a single word practice. Obviously, this is a contradiction of poetry. I have seen the following poem monkeys eat bananas sky Baiyun is banana monkeys follow Baiyun Piao obviously, syllogism. (you have a look Is it right? Wrong...

是 未知有也 这四句意思相矛盾的东西,怎么可能存在呢对应英文:There are also the four sentence is unknown mean contradictory things, how may exist



一树红杏各个青--生白天下雨满天星--雪三个老道四面坐--难不言不语念真经--默对应英文:A tree every green - it rained in the day, our students a sky full of stars -- snow three experienced four sit - difficult to utter not a single word practice -- silence

是不是对应英文:Is it right


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