

狗咬吕洞宾对应英文:The dog bite lu dongbin

狗咬吕洞宾-------不识好人心对应英文:The dog bites Lv Dongbin - do not know good people

传说吕洞宾是个挺有钱的商人,但他乐善好施,经常帮助穷苦人做一些好事,因此四乡八邻都比较敬重他。有一年冬天,吕洞宾外出时碰到一个十八、九岁的青年人,在风中冻得瑟瑟...对应英文:Legend has it that Lv Dongbin is a very wealthy businessman, but he be happy in doing good, often help poor people do some good, therefore environs eight adjacent all respect him. One winter, Lu Dongbin met a eighteen, nine year old young people go out, in the wind rustling cold...

狗咬吕洞宾的典故由来~~ 在蓬莱传说八仙里有个吕洞宾,他原是读书人,但两次参加科举考试都未中举,从此以后,他就再不读书,而依靠祖辈留下的家产,会客访友,游山玩水,过著...对应英文:The dog bit Lv Dongbin's allusions origin ~ ~ in the legend of Penglai there is a sin in Lv Dongbin, he was reading, but two times in the imperial examinations were not held, from then on, he never read, and rely on the ancestors left the property, visiting friends, make a sightseeing tour, live...

狗咬吕洞宾 【狗咬吕洞宾】 (ǒ ǎ ǚ ò ī) 【解释】吕洞宾传说中的八仙之一。 【出处】清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第回"没良心的,狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心。"...对应英文:Dog bite dog Lv Dongbin [Lv Dongbin] (ǒ ǎ agreement ò ī) [explain] Lv Dongbin's legendary one of the eight. [source] Qing Cao Xueqin "a dream of Red Mansions" article "heartless, dog Lv Dongbin, not good people. "...

狗咬吕洞宾-------不识好人心 传说在蓬莱八仙里有个吕洞宾,他原是读书人,但两次参加科举考试都未中举...对应英文:The dog bites Lv Dongbin - not good people is said to have Lv Dongbin in Penglai square, he was reading, but two times in the imperial examination did not give...

回家之后发现苟杳早已为他盖好了新房,并送来了一堆金银财宝。这就是 "苟杳吕洞宾,不识好人心",因为"苟杳"与"狗咬"同音,误传成了"狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心"对应英文:Came home to find Gou Yao already as he built a new house, and sent a heap of gold and silver. This is the "Gou Yao Lv Dongbin, not good people", because "Gou Yao" and "dog" is a homonym, misinformation into "dog bites Lv Dongbin, not good people"

狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心对应英文:The dog Lv Dongbin, not good people

是不是蛇对应英文:Is it right? Snake

这就是俗话常说的"苟杳吕洞宾,不识好人心",因为"苟杳"与"狗咬"同音,传来传去竟成了"狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心"对应英文:This is what they often say "Gou Yao Lv Dongbin, not good people", because "Gou Yao" and "dog" is a homonym, go has become a "dog bites Lv Dongbin, not good people"

"狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心"由来典故 吕洞宾成仙得道之前,原是个读书人。他的好友中有个同乡叫苟杳。苟杳父母双亡,家境贫寒,但为人忠厚,是一个老诚君子,读书又很勤奋,...对应英文:"Dog bites Lv Dongbin before, do not know good people" origin story Lv Dongbin attained immortality, the original is a scholar. His friend is a fellow named Gou yao. Gou Yao parents died, his family was poor, but honest people, is an honest gentleman, reading and hardworking,...

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