

虎落平阳被犬欺对应英文:Tiger fall pingyang by dogs

蒲松龄 龙游浅水遭虾戏 虎落平阳被犬欺 "虎落平阳被犬欺",这里的平阳,古称河东平阳(今山西省临汾市西南),相传中国古代尧帝建都平阳,史称"尧都平阳"。曾诞生了名将卫青...对应英文:Pu Songling Longyou shallow by shrimp depressed by canine bully "depressed by canine bully", here in Pingyang, the ancient name Pingyang Hedong (now Shanxi Province southwest of Linfen City, Pingyang) to Chinese Yao ancient capital, known as "Yaodu Pingyang". Was the birth of general Wei qing...

虎落平阳被犬欺/虎落平阳被犬欺得意猫儿雄过虎/落坡凤凰不如鸡对应英文:Depressed by canine bully / depressed by canine bully proud cat male tiger / slope Phoenix as chicken

虎落平阳被犬欺,得志猫儿雄过虎,落毛凤凰不如鸡 诸葛亮出使东吴游说吴蜀联合抗曹之事。周瑜嫉妒诸葛亮的才智,总想找借口杀他,在一次宴会上,周瑜故意对诸葛亮说"孔明...对应英文:Depressed bullied by the dogs, one cat male tiger, dropping the Phoenix as chicken Zhu Geliang to Soochow canvassing Wu Shu joint anti Cao. Zhou Yu is jealous of Zhu Geliang's wisdom, total want to find an excuse to kill him, at a dinner party, Zhou Yu deliberately said to Zhu Geliang, "Kong ming...

虎落平阳被犬欺解 释平阳地势平坦明亮的地方。老虎离开深山,落到平地里受困。比喻失势。满意敬请尽快采纳。对应英文:Depressed by canine bully interpretation Pingyang flat bright place. The tiger away from the mountains, fell to the ground in the trapped. Figure out. Please take good.

落破的凤凰不如鸡对应英文:Breaking down the Phoenix as chicken

龙游浅水遭虾戏, 虎落平阳被犬欺。 得志猫儿雄过虎, 落毛凤凰不如鸡 。对应英文:Longyou shallow by shrimp, depressed by the dogs. When the cat male tiger, Phoenix as chicken droppings.

龙游浅滩遭虾戏虎落平阳被犬欺落坡凤凰不如鸡对应英文:Longyou bank was shrimp depressed by canine bully slope Phoenix as chicken

去掉棋边木,加欠便是欺。龙游浅水遭虾戏,虎落平阳被犬欺。" 周瑜闻言大怒,鲁肃早已留意这场龙虎斗,见周都督意欲爆发,急忙劝解道"有水也是湘,无水也是相。去掉湘边水...对应英文:Remove the chess sap, and less is. Longyou shallow by shrimp, depressed by the dogs. "Zhou Yu smell speech great anger, he had already noticed this Longhudou, Zhou captaincy to erupt, and appealed to the word" water is Hunan, anhydrous also is. Remove the Hunan edge water...

龙游浅水遭虾戏虎落平阳被犬欺 "虎落平阳被犬欺",这里的平阳,古称河东平阳(今山西省临汾市西南),相传中国古代尧帝建都平阳,史称"尧都平阳"。曾诞生了名将卫青、霍去病...对应英文:Longyou shallow by shrimp depressed by canine bully "depressed by canine bully", here in Pingyang, the ancient name Pingyang Hedong (now Shanxi Province southwest of Linfen City, Pingyang) to Chinese Yao ancient capital, known as "Yaodu Pingyang". Was the birth of famous Weiqing, Huo qubing...

虎落平阳被犬欺,得志猫儿雄过虎,落毛凤凰不如鸡。虎伏深山听风啸,龙卧浅滩等海潮。海到尽头天做岸,山登绝顶我为峰。谁无虎落平阳日,待我风云再起时。有朝一日龙得水,...对应英文:Depressed bullied by the dogs, one cat male tiger, Phoenix as chicken droppings. Listen to the wind howling n mountains, Long Wo shoal, tidal. The sea to the end of the day to shore up the top of the mountain, I am the peak. Who is not depressed, I the revival time. Some day in the future may Liuzhou water,...

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