

基稳楼固对应英文:Stable solid base building

岳阳楼的建筑构制独特,风格奇异。气势之壮阔,构制之雄伟,堪称江南三大名楼之首。岳阳楼为四柱三层,飞檐、盔顶、纯木结构,楼中四柱高耸,楼顶檐牙啄,金碧辉煌.远远而了...对应英文:Yueyang Tower building structure unique, singular style. The momentum of the grand, magnificent structure system, called Jiangnan three of the first floor. Yueyang Tower as a four layer three, cornices, helmet, pure wood, floor, roof canopies teeth pecked, four tall, beautiful decoration. far and the...

桥下有涵碧潭、水月台,桥南有翠微阁,遥相呼应。楼基和桥虽经多次洪水冲击,历近四百年,仍然砥柱中流。  历代骚人墨客对甲秀楼题咏甚多,其中清人刘玉山所撰字长联...对应英文:Under the bridge culvert Bitan bridge, water table, a bluish green hillside Pavilion, echo each other at a distance. Building groups and the bridge despite repeated flooding, history of nearly four hundred years, still play an indispensable role. The writers and poets of the Jiaxiu Lou poems very much, the written word long Qing Dynasty Liu Yushan...

此数者,用兵之患也。(《赤壁之战》) ②或异于二者之为,何哉(《岳阳楼记》) .用作"若""似""如"的宾语,译为"……的样子"。 ①言之,貌若甚戚者(《捕蛇者说》) ②然往来视...对应英文:This number, only the patient also. ("battle of Red Cliff"), or different from the two party, He Zai ("Yueyang Tower"). As the "if" "like" such as "object", translated into"...... A look. The words, looks if very Qi '("snake catcher said"), although contacts as...

一次坡至设计标高,再统一进行一次修坡清底,检查坑底宽和标高,要求坑底凹凸不超过㎝。.基坑开挖应尽量防止对地基土的扰动,机械开挖时为避免破坏基底土,应在基底标高...对应英文:A slope to the design elevation, and then unified on a slope repair at the end of the Qing, check the bottom width and elevation, bottom uneven over cm requirements. Should try to avoid disturbance. The excavation of foundation soil, mechanical excavation to avoid destroying the foundation soil, should be in the basement level...

标高,再统一进行一次修坡清底,检查坑底宽和标高,要求坑底凹凸不超过㎝。 . 基坑开挖应尽量防止对地基土的扰动,机械开挖时为避免破坏基底土,应在基底标高以上预留一...对应英文:Elevation, and unified a slope repair at the end of the Qing, check the bottom width and elevation, bottom uneven over cm requirements. Should try to avoid disturbance. The excavation of foundation soil, mechanical excavation to avoid destroying soil, should be in the basal elevation above the reserve...

【原文】 江楼感旧 作者唐 赵嘏 独上江楼思渺然, 月光如水水如天。 同来望月人何处 风景依稀似去年。 编辑本段【解释词语】 感旧感怀往事。 渺然深远的样子。...对应英文:[original] Jiang Lou feeling Jiang Lou old author don Zhao Jia left alone on the thought, such as the water of the moon as the days. The same to the moon where landscape vaguely like last year. Edit this paragraph [explain] words of old recollections of the past. Vast profound. ...

地基和基础措施 ()多层住宅的地基基础设计必须以控制变形值为主,设计单位必须进行基础最终沉降量和偏心距离的验算。基础最终沉降量应当控制在上海市《地基基础设计...对应英文:The foundation and basis (measures) multi-storey residential foundation design must be based on values to control deformation, the design unit must be the final settlement calculation base amount and eccentric distance. Based on final settlement should be controlled in the foundation design of Shanghai city "foundation...

备之称)。少~(诸侯宗庙,用羊、豕之称)。 监禁犯人的地方监~。坐~。 结实,坚固,固定~固。~稳(.稳妥可靠.物体稳定,不摇晃)。~记。~不可破。 猿 á (形声。从犬,袁声...对应英文:Preparation of said). Little ~ (the temple, with the sheep, pig called). In the local prison. Sit. Strong, durable, solid fixation. ~ stability (. Secure. Object stable, don't shake). ~ remember. ~ can not be broken. The ape á (phonetic. From the sound of dogs, yuan...

曲,奔小康之路,立复兴大业。 作者江静 祖国要发展,首先要科学。党员干部受教育是基石,科学发展上水平是阶梯,人民群众得实惠是出路。 作者王书海 实事求是穿红线,发...对应英文:Song, go straight towards well-off road, vertical rejuvenation. Author Jiang Jing country to develop, we must first. Education is the cornerstone of the party members and cadres, on the level of scientific development is the ladder, the people have to benefit the masses is the way out. Author Wang Shuhai seek truth from facts to wear red, hair...

地段,已知其利用价值的植物资源共种。 易门县是云南省华山松籽种生产基地县之一。 水果资源有个种类,以板栗、核桃、优质梨、柑桔为主的具有地方优势经济林产品生...对应英文:Lots, known for its use value of plant resources for. Yimen County, Yunnan province is one of the Huashan pine seed production base in the county. There is a kind of fruit resources, with chestnut, walnut, pear, citrus quality mainly has the local advantage of economic forest products...


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