

人无笑脸休开店对应英文:A man without a smiling face shop

人无笑脸休开店,会打圆场自落台 不单纯是找台阶,更主要是做生意的技巧。 开店讲究和为贵、笑脸相迎,这样顾客也会感觉温暖舒适,也愿意买你的商品,这就是和气生财。 至...对应英文:A man without a smiling face open, will things from off the stage is not only find the steps, more important is to do business skills. Pay attention to harmony, smiling shop, so that customers will feel warm and comfortable, also willing to buy your goods, this is Friendliness is conducive to business success. To...

人无笑脸休开店,会打圆场自落台 这个谚语,讲的是做生意要讲究的技巧。 前句是开店讲究和为贵、笑脸相迎,这就是和气生财。 后句是学会用话语去缓和紧张气氛,给自己找台...对应英文:A man without a smiling face open, play rounders from down the proverb, is about to do business to pay attention to skills. Something about your shop, with a smile, this is Friendliness is conducive to business success. After the sentence is in discourse to ease tensions to learn, to find their own stage...

这个词眼很明显,微笑着面对着你的顾客,无论顾客是否购买你的产品,在顾客的心里都有留有一丝温暖,下次会关照你的店面的次数将会更多今时今日的服务是需要你真心对待,...对应英文:This word is very obvious, smiling face to your customers, regardless of whether the customer to buy your product, in the hearts of customers have left a trace of warmth, care of your store will next times will be today's service is in need of you really treat,...

自然就会有顾客来购买,后句,链接上句应该可以放在一起理解,有了好的产品,还需要好的服务,开店做生意,就是要有服务精神,给顾客一个舒心购买的环境,好的产品加好的服务...对应英文:Nature will have customers to buy, after the sentence, sentence should be linked together to understand, have a good product, also need good service, the shop to do business, is to have the spirit of service, to give customers a comfortable purchasing environment, good products and good service...

作为经营服装者,要做到货无沉淀。 开服装店的大秘诀之五 "人无笑脸休开店",如果营业人员对顾客不能和蔼、虚心、耐心、周到、主动接待顾客,将会直接影响销售的。重视...对应英文:As business clothing, want to do without precipitation. The great secret of open clothing store five "a man without a smiling face shop", if the sales staff on customer not kind, open-minded, patient, considerate, active reception customer, will directly affect sales. Pay attention to...

一个不敌两人计,三人合唱二台戏。 人无笑脸休开店,会打圆场自落台。 灯台照人不照已。 台上三分钟,台下三年功。 台上一招鲜,台下练三年。 一台无二戏,台上无闲人。 ...对应英文:A lost two people, three people of two opera chorus. A man without a smiling face open, will things from off the stage. And as people do not have. Table three minutes, stage takes three years. Table the skill, a coach for three years. A no two drama, stage non idlers. ...

人投人,鸟投林。 人往高处走,水往低处流。 人微言轻。 人无笑脸休开店,会打圆场自落台。 人无远虑,必有近忧。 人误地一时,地误人一年。 人心换人心,八两换半斤。 人...对应英文:People vote, the birds took shelter. Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. In one's humble position, one's word does not carry much weight. A man without a smiling face open, will things from off the stage. He lives unsafely that looks too near on things. People make the mistake of time, a year one. People in heart, eight two for half a catty. People...

"人无笑脸休开店",如果营业人员对顾客不能和蔼、虚心、耐心、周到、主动接待顾客,将会直接影响销售的。重视服务态度,能做到个主动主动微笑相迎,主动打招呼,主动介...对应英文:"A man without a smiling face shop", if the sales staff on customer not kind, open-minded, patient, considerate, active reception customer, will directly affect sales. The importance of service attitude, can be an active greet them with a smile, say hello, active medium...

◆多深的根基,筑多高的墙。 ◆行船趁顺风,打铁趁火红。 ◆人无笑脸休开店,会打圆场自落台。 ◆人美不在貌,美在心意好。 ◆人讲礼义为先,树讲花果为原。 ◆小心不怕多...对应英文:The deep foundation, built high walls. The boat while wind, while the red tie. The man without a smiling face must not open a shop, will things from off the stage. The beauty is not in appearance, beauty in the heart. The people speak righteousness first, tree about fruit as raw. ◆ care not afraid...

◆行船趁顺风,打铁趁火红。   ◆人无笑脸休开店,会打圆场自落台。   ◆人美不在貌,美在心意好。   ◆人讲礼义为先,树讲花果为原。   ◆...对应英文:The boat while wind, while the red tie. The man without a smiling face must not open a shop, will things from off the stage. The beauty is not in appearance, beauty in the heart. The people speak righteousness first, tree about fruit as raw. ◆...

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