

败棋有胜着zhao对应英文:Defeated chess wins Zhao

一着棋的着是读第一声 一通鼓的通是第四声对应英文:One approach is to read the first sound of a drum through fourth sound

一步棋落子 当决胜于后十步 下棋的时候多思考,下每颗子都要为后面数十步做铺垫 比喻做事情要三思而后行,做决策时要考虑后果。一局败 只为全盘胜 你确定没写错如果写...对应英文:A move up when the ten step chess thinking, under each sub to dozens of steps to pave the way for the later means doing things to look before you leap, when making a decision to consider the consequences. A bureau for overall victory defeat you sure do not mistake if you write...

比赛后当时回家睡觉了,后来继续回棋院比赛,拿着但没交给棋院!对应英文:After the game at home to sleep, then go back to the game with KI, but didn't give ki!

读他的文章,竟大惊道"此人可谓善读书、善用书。他的文章,必独步天下。"东坡是否会下围棋一直是棋界争论的话题之一。 东坡作有一首《观棋》诗,在诗的序中他写到自己"...对应英文:Read his article, he shocked "this person is good reading good books. His article, will come to dominate the. "Dongpo will go has been one of the chess debate. Dongpo as a first "concept of chess" poetry, in the poem he wrote his order"...

我始欲愁,仔细思量,风吹皱一池春水 英雄儿女一枰棋 胜固欣然,败亦可喜,如何结局,浪淘尽千古英雄对应英文:I began to worry about, consider carefully, wind blow a pond heroic sons and daughters a ping chess - solid readily, the defeat is also encouraging, how to end, the waves as heroes through the ages

我觉得只有在无禁手执黑的情况下才会存在理论上必胜的把握种开局定式有瑞星定式 慧星定式花月定式 寒星定式恒星定式 长星定式残月定式 云月定式雨月定式 游星定式...对应英文:I think there will be only in theory win no hand black case for opening a rising to grasp on to form stars stars comet formulary to Changxing formulary to cloud to rain on moon to swimming star set...

每方应得 /个交叉点,这是区别胜败的标准。下子的目的是要占据比 /更多的交叉点,这样才能莸胜如...在铁路上,只要路途没有棋子阻隔,步数就不受限制。但遇到铁路...对应英文:Each party should / cross point, which is the difference between victory and defeat the standard. All of a sudden the objective is to occupy the ratio / cross point more, so you win such as... On the railway, as long as there is no piece blocking the road, step on the unrestricted. But when the railroad...

象棋巫师对应英文:Chess Wizard

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

有水也是清,无水也是青,去掉清边水,加争便是静人心不足蛇吞象,画虎不成反类犬。 有水也是清,无水也是青,去掉清边水,加争便是静子欲养而亲不在,人欲醒而梦不静! 我是...对应英文:The water is clear, anhydrous also is green, remove the clear edge water, plus competition is static which tries to swallow an elephant, tiger not a like a dog. The water is clear, anhydrous also is green, remove the clear edge water, plus competition is stator to raise and dear not, people to wake up and the dream I was not dead...


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