

身处福中不知福对应英文:In the fortunate

是"身在福中不知福",身,指身处而"生在福中"解释在生活的意思倒能讲通,不过这已经是引申义了,不是这个词组本来的意思。 【词语】身在福中不知福 【注音】ē à...对应英文:"Take it forgranted", refers to the body, in "born in happiness," explained in the meaning of life it can speak, but this is the extended meaning, not the phrase meaning. [words] take it forgranted [phonetic] ē à...

身处祸乱不知祸对应英文:In the disaster I curse

相比那些身处饥饿和贫困中的非洲人民,你不觉得你自己就是一个很好的例子吗对应英文:Compared to those living in hunger and poverty in the Africa people, don't you think you are a good example

到处去看那里有个家归去忙来张开一张嘴 无缘故也会恐惧 盼我有个节曰可嘉许 舒灾解困万岁衣著矜贵的 温暖饱满的 叫身处福中不觉的这天你有否兴趣 听他诉苦几句对应英文:Around to see where a home to return to open a mouth busy for no reason will fear hope I have a day can show disaster relief Shu long live dress noble warm full name in off don't feel that you are not interested in listening to him to complain a few words

倘若身在福中不知福,我们又怎能体谅身处半殖民地半封建社会的祖国和人民的痛楚。压迫、剥削、饥寒交迫、内外交困。所谓生于忧患,死于安乐,倘若我们沉浸眼前和当下,忘记...对应英文:If you take it forgranted, how can we understand in a semi colonial and semi feudal society of our country and people. Oppression, exploitation, suffer hunger and cold, be beset with troubles internally and externally. The so-called calamity, died of happiness, if we immerse the here and now, forget...

因为我们都相信校园无限大,总有我们小小的容身处曾经的我们,身在福中不知福曾经的我们,爱躲避毒辣的太阳,成群结队地坐在小树下曾经的我们,总想离开彼此,去认识更多...对应英文:Because we believe that the campus infinite, always have our little shelter once we, who are fortunate we once loved, avoid the sinister sun, gathering in crowds and groups sitting in trees we have, always want to leave each other, to know more...

我们深深地体会到沙皇专制制度的腐败、丑恶,体会到老百姓身处黑暗而不知的奴性与麻木,以及年轻一代反抗黑...努力学习,千万别身在福中不知福。这样优秀的学习环境,这样美...对应英文:We deeply appreciate the Tsar's autocratic system corruption, ugly, feel the old people in the dark but not slavish and numbness, as well as the younger generation against black... Study hard, don't take it forgranted. Such a good learning environment, so that the United states...

而现在的我们,真是身在福中不知福,不愁吃不愁穿。而小阿廖沙却吃不饱,穿不暖,还要挨打、受欺辱。悲惨的一...老百姓身处黑暗而不知的奴性与麻木,和年轻一代反抗黑暗、...对应英文:Now we, really take it forgranted, don't worry of food and clothing. While the small Allyson but do not have enough to eat, wear not warm, but also, by the bullying. A sad... People in the dark but not slavish and numbness, and the younger generation against the dark,...

从小就受到父母的百般呵护,但年幼的我们那时却还身在福中不知福。当我读完高尔基的童年时,相比之下,我才发...也许很多同龄人都会说,如果我身处那时恶略的家庭环境,我也能...对应英文:From childhood by the parents take care, but the younger we had also take it forgranted. Compared to when I read Golgi's childhood, under, I just... Maybe many peers would say, if I was in that bad family environment, I can...

这样的人失去自由才知道原来的生活是那么美好,却身在福中不知福!还有的人是靠着自己的聪明才智、拼搏,最后...可以说知心话的朋友却越来越少,身处闹市却又内心孤独感受,...对应英文:Such people lose their freedom only know that life is so beautiful, but take it forgranted! Some people are relying on their own one's ability and cleverness, hard work, and finally... Can be said to intimate friends less and less, in downtown yet inner loneliness,...


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