

夏练三伏对应英文:Dog day summer training

"一伏"和"三伏"都是天,而"二伏"有时为天,有时为天。当夏至到立秋日有个"庚日"时为天而有个"庚日"时则为天了。 夏全不清楚对应英文:A "V" and "dog" is a day, while "two volt" sometimes for days, sometimes for days. When the summer solstice to Liqiu have a "day" for the day when a "g" for days. Summer all don't know

中伏月日 末伏月日 年"三伏"共三十天 三伏天出现在小暑与大暑之间,是一年中气温最高且又潮湿、闷热的日子。所谓的"伏天儿",就是指农历"三伏天",既一年当中...对应英文:The middle of April Mofu month day year "dog" a total of thirty days to three days in between it and the heat, the year the highest temperature and humid, sultry day. The so-called "dog days", refers to the "three days", not only the year...

头伏,末伏都是天,二伏有天有天不等夏至三庚数头伏,庚是甲乙丙丁戊己庚幸任癸的庚每天一个循环,是说夏至以后第三个庚日就是头伏第一天。时间在夏至后的--天...对应英文:Head, respectively in all day, two volt days are days summer solstice three Geng Geng is the number of head, Ding Wuji Geng survive GUI Geng having a daily cycle, is that after the summer solstice is the first day of the third day of the beginning. Time of day in later summer...

三伏"是指初伏、中伏和末伏,约在月中旬到月中旬这一段时间。夏至以后,虽然白天渐短,黑夜渐长,但是一天当中,白天还比黑夜长,每天地面吸收的热量仍比散发的多...对应英文:The dog "refers to the middle and Chufu, respectively, about in the middle of the month to month this time. After the summer solstice, the days get shorter, the night grew, but one day, the day is longer than the night, every ground absorb heat from more than...

"伏"是五行家对季节的另类安排。春、夏、秋、冬四季被五行家 冠以木、火、金、水,由秋到夏金生水、水生木、木生火,自然循环。但是由夏到秋则不然,火克金,金不敢出来。...对应英文:"V" is the five experts offbeat arrangements for the season. Spring, summer, autumn, winter seasons by five experts with fire, wood, gold, water, from autumn to Xia Jinsheng water, aquatic wood, wood fire, natural circulation. But from summer to autumn is not, fire grams of gold, gold has not come out. ...

这时冬天已过完,春天来到了。 一般"三九"时最冷。 "夏练三伏,冬练三九"意思是不管天气多冷或多热,都应坚持体育锻炼,这样才能使身体更好地获得"顺四时、适寒暑"的能力...对应英文:This winter has been finished, spring is coming. General "three nine" when the cold. "Dog day summer training, winter training three nine" means no matter how cold or hot, should insist on physical exercise, such ability can make the body better access to "Shun four, optimum heat"...

"伏"表示阴气受阳气所迫藏伏在地下的意思"三伏"是一年中最热的日子。"伏"表示阴气受阳气所迫藏伏地下。"三伏"是初伏、中伏和末伏的统称,每年出现在阳历月中旬到月中...对应英文:"V" Yin and Yang expressed by forced lurk in underground meaning "dog" is the hottest day of the year. "V" Yin and Yang expressed by forced underground reservoir v. "The dog" is referred to as the first dog days, hiding and Mofu, a year in the Gregorian calendar month to month...

所以一年中最热的时候一般出现在夏至的"三伏"。 "冬练三九,夏练三伏。"意思是不管天气多冷或多热,都应坚持体育锻炼,这样才能使身体更好地获得"顺四时、适寒...对应英文:So the hottest time of the year in the summer solstice "dog". "Winter training three nine, dog day summer training. "It means that no matter how cold or hot, should insist on physical exercise, so as to make the body better access to" Shun four, suitable...

这个时候练功,能调和阴阳。 所以,民间有冬练三九,夏练三伏的说法,考验人们的毅力。对应英文:Practice this time, can balance yin and yang. So, there is the winter training three nine day summer training, saying, test of our perseverance.

"冬练三九,夏练三伏。"意思是不管天气多冷或多热,都应坚持体育锻炼,这样才能使身体更好地获得"顺四时、适寒暑"的能力。  谚语"冬练三九、夏练三伏"是前人在长期锻炼...对应英文:"Winter training three nine, dog day summer training. "It means that no matter how cold or hot, should insist on physical exercise, so as to make the body better access to" four years ", with adaptive ability. The proverb "winter training, three nine day summer training" is the predecessor in the long-term exercise...


  众所周知,三伏天是一年中最热的时节,其气候特点是气温高、气压低、湿度大、风速小,这样的气候条件,对人体健康有明显的不利影响。研究表明,当环境气温达到33摄氏度时,人在安静的状态下就会出汗,但尚能保持产热与散热的平衡。如果此时还进行体力活动,则出汗量就会大增,而较高的空气湿度和较小的风速,又使汗液蒸发无法快速,人体散热出现困难,体温调节就受到限制,热量积蓄在体内,就有可能引发全身发热、头晕、口渴、恶心等中暑症状。此外,高温导致人体盐分过多流失,水盐代谢平衡失调,使得血液循环发生障碍,出现肌肉痉挛、尿量减少、脉搏加快等“热痉挛”症(也是“中暑”之一种)。  老年人脏器功能减退,体内的水分比年轻人少15%左右,因此抗热能力远远差于年轻人,老年人在高温天气下发生中暑的概率也明显高于年轻人。此外,老年人的血液浓度本来就比较高,心脑血管病患者的比例也比较高,在炎热天气下锻炼后,体内的组织液和血液就会明显减少,血液浓度就会进一步增高,血液粘度也随之升高,因而较容易诱发脑血栓、心肌梗死等重症。从这个意义上说,老年人在三伏天锻炼,是冒着极大的危险的。  所以,夏季里,当最高气温在30到33摄氏度时,老年人要减少运动量,最好选择早晨进行锻炼,时间以半个小时以内为宜。而当三伏来临时,最高气温一般在35摄氏度以上,老年人要停止一切活动,以静制动,并保持充足的饮水;同时,身边还要存放一些人丹、十滴水、清凉油、藿香正气水等常规的防暑药品。 附图 上传图片 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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