

一心不能二用对应英文:A man cannot spin and reel at the same time

我承认我一心不能二用,因为我只能对你一心一意;对应英文:I admit that I can not do two, because I can only tell you undivided attention;

但来自伊利诺伊大学的加里·戴尔可不这么认为,他认为谈话和驾车同样需要保持注意力,一心不能二用。对应英文:But from the University of Illinois, Gary Dale don't think so, he thought the conversation and driving also need to keep the attention, can not do two.

我们从老祖宗过去的宝贵经验中学到重要的一课,就是一心不能二用。对应英文:We went to an important lesson from our past experience is valuable, can not do two.

但来自伊利诺伊大学的加里·戴尔可不这么认为,他认为谈话和驾车同样需要保持注意力,一心不能二用。对应英文:But from the University of Illinois, Gary Dale don't think so, he thought the conversation and driving also need to keep the attention, can not do two.

任何分散驾驶员注意力的事情都是危险的,因为一心不能二用。对应英文:Any driver distraction things are dangerous, because can not do two.

我们从老祖宗过去的宝贵经验中学到重要的一课,就是一心不能二用。对应英文:We went to an important lesson from our past experience is valuable, can not do two.

贪心---一心不能二用(一只胳臂下夹不了两西瓜)。对应英文:Greedy, can not do two (one under his arm two watermelon).

那么你在读英语材料时,为什么要如此呢?一心不能二用。对应英文:Then you in English, so why should we? Can not do two.

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