

自古红颜多祸水对应英文:Since ancient times, Confidante many troubles

"红颜祸水"的说法是要追述到中国的上古时期西周的最后一个王幽王说起了。说幽王有个十分漂亮的妃子叫做褒姒,说她笑的时候是非常漂亮的,可却"千金难买红颜笑"。幽王为...对应英文:"Dangerous Beauty" that dates back to ancient times, the last king of king of the Western Zhou Dynasty Chinese talking. Say you have a very beautiful princess called her, said she smile is very beautiful, but "the daughter is difficult to buy Confidante laugh". The king is...

自古红颜多祸水,几家欢喜几家愁对应英文:Since ancient times, Confidante many troubles, several joy several depression

.自古红颜多祸水,尽代红颜皆薄命.月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁.《薄命佳人》 苏轼双颊凝酥发抹漆,眼光入帘珠的皪。故将白练作仙衣,不许红膏污天质。吴音娇软带儿...对应英文:Many such as Confidante. Since ancient times, Confidante are short-lived. The generation of curved according to Kyushu, several joy several sorrow. "A short-lived beauty" Su Shi cheeks coagulation crisp hair with paint, look into the Li bead curtain. The white silk as fairy clothing, no red cream and day matter. Wu Yinjiao soft belt...

混乱江山的事太多了、妲姬、还有霸王别姬等等、还有慈喜垂帘听政、等等国家不都灭了么、唯女人小人难养也、对应英文:The confusion, too many things and Farewell to My Concubine Jiangshan Tedeschi, etc., and said of an empress, Cixi country not destroyed all of you, the only woman villain is also difficult to raise,

红颜一词,在汉语历史中,可谓悠久,是一古老且使用频率较高的词汇。 红颜,其原始本意为年轻红润姣好的面容脸色...百媚千娇的绝色美女,如红颜祸水,红颜薄命,冲冠一奴为红颜等...对应英文:Confidante a word, in Chinese history, has a long, is an ancient and the use of high frequency words. Confidante, its original intention for the beautiful young ruddy good face face... Bewitchingly charming, such as Dangerous Beauty, lady, crown a slave to Confidante etc....

"解舞腰肢娇又软"等都是形容红颜超群的外貌。 杜甫的诗《暮秋忆枉裴道州手札》"忆子初尉永嘉去,红颜白面...这个成语,就是--"红颜祸水"。 《辞海》里给"祸水"下的定义是...对应英文:"De dance waist charming and soft" are described Confidante superior appearance. Du Fu's poem "autumn Yi Wang Pei Daozhou letters" "Yi Zi Wei Yongjia early, Confidante flour... This idiom, is Dangerous Beauty --"". "Ci Hai" to "defined as" the...

红颜祸水,自古就有的一种说法,是指美女贻误国家的意思。客观的讲,自古多红颜,但是却不是都有资格成为"祸水"初始只是指史上几个女子,如今被当做了一个词用来形容美女。...对应英文:Dangerous Beauty, since ancient times, a kind of view, refers to the beauty bungle country means. Objectively speaking, since ancient times, many Confidante, but are not eligible to become a "disaster" in the history of the initial refers only to a few female, now as a term used to describe the beauty of. ...

红颜为祸水,在中国古代的伪道学家们眼中,对红颜美女,向来抱着一种矛盾复杂的心态,其根底深处,却是对红颜美女充满了恐惧敌视,视红颜为祸水之源,为灾难之源,时常将男性...对应英文:Confidante as such, in ancient Chinese pseudo way scientists' eyes, the Confidante beauty, always with a complicated and contradictory mentality, the deep, is full of fear hostile to Confidante beauty, such as Confidante as the source, as disaster source, often the male...

红颜就是长的很漂亮的女子,就是说长的漂亮的女子,会让男人神魂颠倒,严重的导致灭国之亡。比如西施、妲己、貂婵。这只是古代男人推卸责任的一种借口,打了败仗只会推到...对应英文:Confidante is long very beautiful woman, is a beautiful woman with long, will let the man be entranced, leading to destroy the country's death serious. Such as Xi Shi, Daji, Diao chan. This is just a pretext to shirk the responsibility of the ancient man, will only push to defeat...

红颜不是祸水!祸水是喜欢红颜的人,因为他们喜欢红颜使他们自己控制不了事情的发展,而不是女人的事,不要总... 自古以来都说红颜祸水,说美貌女子会令男人不惜一切为其倾心...对应英文:Confidante not water! Such is like Confidante people, because they like to make their own Confidante development can't control things, rather than women, don't always... Since ancient times, said Dangerous Beauty, said the beautiful woman can make a man at all for the heart...


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