

好马配好鞍对应英文:Good horse with a good saddle

』」不过俗语人们会说 人靠衣服马靠鞍 。好马配好鞍,好车配风帆 是广告引申的,为了上口,好听。对应英文:"But saying people will say that clothes make the man. Good horse with a good saddle, good car with windsurfing is extended to advertising, catchy, nice.

人靠衣装佛靠金装好马配好鞍,好车配风帆.这句不是什么典故,这是当年风帆一句红透大江南北的广告词。对应英文:People rely on clothes the Buddha by gold good horse with a good saddle, good car with windsurfing. This sentence is not what allusions, it was a red sails on both sides of the Changjiang River advertisements.

好马配好鞍 好芯配好板 (买主板的说的) 好马配好鞍,好"刀"配好盘(买光盘的说的)对应英文:Good horse with a good saddle, good core with a good board (buy motherboard say) good horse with a good saddle, good "knife" with a good dish (buy a CD of the said)

意思是上等马要配上上等的鞍才显得相称,同样好车也要配上好的引擎才相称。比喻好的东西就要用好的东西来相配。对应英文:Mean fine horse with good saddle is commensurate with the same car, also with good engine to match. Metaphor and good things to use something to match.

好马配好鞍 马到成功对应英文:Good horse with a good saddle win success immediately upon arrival

好车配风帆 经典 电池广告对应英文:The car battery with windsurfing classic advertising

好的东西需要好的来搭配,差的人当然是差的来娶。 门当户对。对应英文:Good things need good to match, poor people are poor to marry. A marriage between families of equal social rank.

, .对应英文:,

这是风帆蓄电池(电瓶)的广告词。对应英文:This is sailing battery (battery) ad.



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