

达则兼济天下对应英文:As the economy and the world

作为出家人,每个人的因缘也不相同,儒家说:“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。”对应英文:A monk, everyone is not the same, Confucius said: "the poor are spared, reach and the world economy."

古训云“达则兼济天下”,强烈的社会责任感督促胜宇积极承担企业社会责任。对应英文:Ancient cloud "to the economy and the world", a strong sense of social responsibility and urge Sheng Yu actively undertake corporate social responsibility.

“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下”的思想贯穿于孟浩然一生并同他的仕与隐紧密联系在一起。对应英文:"The poor are spared, to the economy and the world" thought throughout his life and with Meng Haoran and implicit closely together.

作为出家人,每个人的因缘也不相同,儒家说:“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。”对应英文:A monk, everyone is not the same, Confucius said: "the poor are spared, reach and the world economy."

古训云“达则兼济天下”,强烈的社会责任感督促胜宇积极承担企业社会责任。对应英文:Ancient cloud "to the economy and the world", a strong sense of social responsibility and urge Sheng Yu actively undertake corporate social responsibility.

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