

勿谓言之不预也对应英文:Don't call for not too

勿谓言之不预 意思是不要说事先没有说过,表示事前已讲明白。 ' .对应英文:Not that haven't been forewarned do not say I did not say, said beforehand has clear. '

成语勿谓言之不预也。 解释意思是以后不要说没有跟你事先说过。指把话说在前面。 示例这件事你们要负完全责任,一旦出现差错,绝不姑息,勿谓言之不预也。 源自太平...对应英文:Idioms are not that haven't been forewarned. Explain the meaning and don't say no to you said. Refers to the words in front of. Examples of this thing for you to take full responsibility, once appear mistake, never palliative, not that haven't been forewarned is. From the pacific...

悬崖勒马--想被么 勿谓言之不预也--准备棺材吧。   历史上,国家两次祭出必杀技"勿谓言之不预也",分别是年月日《人民日报》社论《是可忍,孰不可忍》和...对应英文:It was not that he want to haven't been forewarned -- prepare the coffin. Historically, the two national resorted to Nirvana "not that haven't been forewarned, are also" date "people's Daily" editorial "can be tolerated, what" and...

成语 勿谓言之不预也 言之不预 事预则立 出乎预料 思患预防 难以预料对应英文:Idioms are not that haven't been forewarned is haven't been forewarned There's no telling Sihuanyufang beyond expectation level

相关词语谓语 不谓 称谓 可谓 谓如 无所谓 相关成语一之谓甚 谓予不信 勿谓言之不预也 一之谓甚 方言集汇 拼音是的汉字基本信息 详细释义 〈动〉 〈名〉对应英文:Related words did not say is that if the predicate title no related idioms One is serious enough. disbelieve not that haven't been forewarned is One is serious enough. dialect sinks pinyin is the basic information Chinese characters' dynamic '' names with meanings'

成形后,再放约半小时。特别注意的是上锅开蒸这道工序,一定要中火,锅里要用冷水,勿谓言之不预也。要是像平常那样大火开水,出来的绝对是死面团。大火开水的作法只适用于...对应英文:After forming, add about half an hour. Particular attention is paid to open the pot steaming this process, must be in the fire, the pot to use cold water, not that haven't been forewarned is. As usual if the fire boiling water, death is absolutely out of dough. The fire boiling water approach is only applicable to...

悬崖勒马--想被爆菊么 勿谓言之不预也--准备棺材吧。 以上部分系对最后三个重点词的调查结果如下"勿谓言之不预也"好像只用过两次,一次打印度之前,一次打越南之前...对应英文:He sodomized - to what don't say haven't been forewarned -- prepare the coffin. Investigation on the three key words above part is not that haven't been forewarned is "as if only used two times as before", a hit India, before a vietnam...

成型后,再放约半小时。特别注意的是上锅开蒸这道工序,一定要中火,锅里要用冷水,勿谓言之不预也。要是像平常那样大火开水,出来的绝对是死面团。大火开水的作法只适用于...对应英文:After molding, add about half an hour. Particular attention is paid to open the pot steaming this process, must be in the fire, the pot to use cold water, not that haven't been forewarned is. As usual if the fire boiling water, death is absolutely out of dough. The fire boiling water approach is only applicable to...

必也正名 兵犹火也,不戢自焚 弗敢专也 何其衰也 溜之乎也 勿谓言之不预也 莫余毒也 者也之乎 者、也、之、乎 成也萧何败萧何 一人之心,千万人之心也 死也瞑目 何许人...对应英文:Light up the soldiers and fire, not to fold up the self immolation Adare to be exclusive very deteriorative make oneself scarce not that haven't been forewarned is Moyuduye Zheyezhihu, also, almost into also Xiao Hebai Xiao He, a man of the heart, the heart of millions of people who die...

如今再唠叨一二,为诸生提个醒,"勿谓言之不预也"。 一曰看清题目。常有学生拿到试卷不细读要求,便动笔答题,造成错误,岂不冤哉。比如将选非项看作选是项将多项选择,...对应英文:Now and then about one or two, for students a heads up, "don't say haven't been forewarned is". One said, see the topic. Students often get the papers do not read request, then write the answer, make mistakes, it is. For example, will choose non term as selected is the multiple choice,...

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