

败在此一举对应英文:Defeat hang upon this single action

那种行业的投资,都需要多方面的努力,也都存在一定的经营风险。 投资的成败、业绩的好坏受到各种因素的影响,成功更青睐于那些具有智慧、勤劳自信的人。一旦选择创业,...对应英文:That kind of industry investment, need more efforts, there are certain risks. The success or failure of investment, performance is influenced by various factors, success in favor of more people with wisdom, diligence and self-confidence of the people. Once the choice of business,...

败事有余,成事不足 败兴而归 败于垂成 百战百败 残兵败将 成败得失 成败利钝 成败论人 成败兴废 成败在此一举 残花败柳 残军败将 成事不足,败事有余 成王败寇 乘兴而...对应英文:Spoil everything, weaker return in low spirits Baiyuchuicheng invincible a completely defeated army victory or defeat Chengbailunren success success and failure, gain and loss Chengbaixingfei hang upon this single action compromise one's honour by adultery Canjunbaijiang weaker, more failures than some Losers are always in the wrong...

百事无成 百无一成 败于垂成 成败得失 成败利钝 成败论人 成败兴废 成败在此一举 传经送宝 成王败寇 长袖善舞 成也萧何,败也萧何 成则为王,败则为寇 道傍筑室 道傍之...对应英文:Without a single success Baiwuyicheng success and failure, gain and loss Baiyuchuicheng victory or defeat Chengbailunren hang upon this single action pass one's know-how to others to be resourceful. Losers are always in the wrong Chengbaixingfei success into also Xiao He, Xiao He also lost a king, or where the Daobangzhushi draw near...

――宋·司马光《训俭》   败 à   ①失败残兵~将、成~在此一举。   ②打败大~敌军。   ③搞坏(事情)成事不足,~事有余。   ④消除解除~火。   ⑤破旧...对应英文:- Song Dynasty Sima Guang "training" defeated à ① failed thrift remnants ~, ~ will hang upon this single action. The enemy beat big ~. The ruined (things) weaker, ~. ". The elimination of fire lift. The shabby...

还可以啊,我试过满灵验的啊,记住心诚则灵啊对应英文:Can ah, I tried the full effective ah, remember you

败于垂成 百战百败 残兵败将 成败得失 成败利钝 成败论人 成败兴废 成败在此一举 残花败柳 残军败将 成事不足,败事有余 成王败寇 乘兴而来,败兴而归 成也萧何,败也萧...对应英文:Baiyuchuicheng invincible a completely defeated army victory or defeat Chengbailunren success success and failure, gain and loss Chengbaixingfei hang upon this single action compromise one's honour by adultery Canjunbaijiang spoil, spoil everything Losers are always in the wrong come in high spirits but return disappointed into also Xiao He, defeated...

抓不住机遇,勇敢地向成功点跑去,不管遇到什么挫折都不要退缩,因为成与败都在此一举,不管结果如何都不要后悔,因为你为自己奋斗过,始终坚信自己的努力不会白费。即使在...对应英文:Unable to grasp the opportunity, dare to successfully run, no matter what setbacks do not flinch, because success and failure are hang upon this single action, no matter what the result would not regret it, because you had to fight for themselves, always believe that your efforts will not be wasted. Even in the...

慷慨赴义前一天,写下给父亲与侄儿的两封绝笔书。在《禀父绝笔》中说"祖国之存亡在此一举,事败则中国不免于亡,四万万人皆死,不特儿一人如事成则四万万人皆生,儿虽死...对应英文:The day before the die for the sake of righteousness, write down two last book father and nephew. In the "father" s intrinsic said "the motherland's survival hang upon this single action, the defeat is China not from death, thousands of people are dead, not one person as you are thousands of people are born, although the son died...

成千论万 成年古代 成名成家 成家立计 成佛作祖 成风之斫 成风尽垩 成城断金 成帮结队 成败在此一举 成败兴废 朝成暮徧 不劳而成 败于垂成 白手成家 败事有余,成事不...对应英文:Thousands of million adult ancient establish one's reputation as an authority to have spectacular achievements Chengfengzhizhuo Chengfengjine Chengchengduanjin in groups or hang upon this single action Chengbaixingfei Zhaochengmubian Bulaoercheng Baiyuchuicheng start something from scratch spoil everything, do not...

百举百捷 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 百事无成 百无一成 败于垂成 成败得失 成败利钝 成败论人 成败兴废 成败在此一举 传经送宝 成王败寇 长袖善舞 成也萧何,败也萧何 成则为...对应英文:Czech hundred hundred for A faint heart never wine fair lady without a single success Baiwuyicheng success and failure, gain and loss Baiyuchuicheng victory or defeat Chengbailunren hang upon this single action pass one's know-how to others to be resourceful. Losers are always in the wrong Chengbaixingfei success into also Xiao He, Xiao He is defeated...


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