

嗔拳不打笑面对应英文:Chen Taijiquan not dozen smiling face
嗔拳不打笑面, 比喻不可以欺凌态度和悦的人。古时江淮一带有“嗔拳笑面”之戏,双方带面具作胡人勇士状,一扮“嗔拳”,一扮“笑面”。谓恼怒者不打对其和善的人。亦谓对人和气则可免遭欺辱。

词 目

发 音
chēn quán bù dǎ xiào miàn

释 义

出 处

示 例
明·兰陵笑笑生《金瓶梅词话》第九十六回:“自古嗔拳不打笑面,他又不曾伤犯着你,你有钱看平日相交与他些,没钱罢了,如何只顾打他?” 《金瓶梅词话》第七二回:“常言嗔拳不打笑面。如今时年,尚个奉承的,拿着大本钱做买卖,还放三分和气。”  




不值一笑 嗔拳不打笑面 冁然而笑 春山如笑 传为笑柄 传为笑谈 谄笑胁肩 当面输心背面笑 打情卖笑 抚掌大笑 付之一笑 付诸一笑 回眸一笑 哄堂大笑 轰堂大笑 烘堂大笑 ...对应英文:Chen Taijiquan is beneath contempt. not dozen smiling face smile happily pass into a proverb Chanxiaoxiejian hills as if smiling in spring be standing jokes to lose heart back to laugh Daqingmaixiao laugh at laugh loud and clap one's hands brush aside with a smile with a smile All broke into a loud laugh. bake set the whole room roaring with laughter laughter...

眉开眼笑 谈笑封侯 啼笑皆非 莞尔而笑 谑浪笑敖 喜眉笑眼 笑面夜叉 喜笑颜开 哑然失笑 音容笑貌 买笑寻欢 嗔拳不打笑面 哭笑不得 千金买笑 土穰细流 豚蹄穰田 五十步...对应英文:Obtain a high rank easily look cheerful laugh but faintly with scornful words and jeering smiles beaming with joy,very happy smile make me on the spot a smiling faced demon can't help laughing one's voice and expression Maixiaoxunhuan anger fist not dozen smiling cry smile of a woman Turangxiliu expect tremendous return from meager investment fifty...

不值一笑 谄笑胁肩 冁然而笑 嗔拳不打笑面 传为笑柄 传为笑谈 春山如笑 打情卖笑 当面输心背面笑 抚掌大笑 付之一笑 付诸一笑 含笑九泉 含笑入地 轰堂大笑 哄堂大笑 ...对应英文:Chanxiaoxiejian is beneath contempt. smile happily anger boxing not dozen smiling face be standing jokes hills as if smiling in spring Daqingmaixiao pass into a proverb to lose heart back to laugh laugh at laugh loud and clap one's hands brush aside with a smile smile in the underworld one has nothing to regret in life All broke into a loud laugh. set the whole room roaring with laughter...

检举 不苟言笑 不值一笑 嗔拳不打笑面 冁然而笑 春山如笑 传为笑柄 传为笑谈 谄笑胁肩 当面输心背面笑 打情卖笑 抚掌大笑 付之一笑 付诸一笑 回眸一笑 哄堂大笑 轰堂...对应英文:Report serious in speech and manner is beneath contempt. anger fist not dozen smiling smile happily pass into a proverb Chanxiaoxiejian hills as if smiling in spring be standing jokes to lose heart back to laugh laugh at laugh loud and clap one's hands brush aside with a smile with a smile Daqingmaixiao detonation hall set the whole room roaring with laughter...

乐不可支贻笑大方 一笑置之 见笑大方 皮笑肉不笑更多不苟言笑 不值一笑 谄笑胁肩 冁然而笑 嗔拳不打笑面 传为笑柄 传为笑谈 春山如笑 打情卖笑 当面输心背面笑 抚...对应英文:Be overwhelmed with joy expose oneself to ridicule laugh out of court laughed at generous crafty more serious in speech and manner is beneath contempt. Chanxiaoxiejian smile happily anger fist not dozen smiling face be standing jokes hills as if smiling in spring Daqingmaixiao pass into a proverb to lose heart back to laugh fu...

含笑九泉 哄堂大笑 回眸一笑 付诸一笑 付之一笑 抚掌大笑 当面输心背面笑 打情卖笑 传为笑谈 谄笑胁肩 春山如笑 传为笑柄 嗔拳不打笑面 冁然而笑 不值一笑 不苟言笑对应英文:One has nothing to regret in life set the whole room roaring with laughter laugh at laugh loud and clap one's hands brush aside with a smile with a smile to lose heart back to laugh Daqingmaixiao be standing jokes Chanxiaoxiejian hills as if smiling in spring pass into a proverb anger boxing not dozen smiling smile happily is beneath contempt. serious in speech and manner

莞尔而笑 谑浪笑敖 喜眉笑眼 笑面夜叉 喜笑颜开 哑然失笑 音容笑貌 买笑寻欢 嗔拳不打笑面 哭笑不得 千金买笑 土穰细流 豚蹄穰田 笑里藏刀 相视而笑笑逐颜开 语笑喧阗...对应英文:Beaming with joy,very happy laugh but faintly with scornful words and jeering smiles a smiling faced demon smile can't help laughing one's voice and expression Maixiaoxunhuan anger fist not dozen smiling cry smile of a woman Turangxiliu expect tremendous return from meager investment hide a dagger behind a smile looked at each other and smiled Yuxiaoxuantian by Yan...

啼笑皆非 莞尔而笑 谑浪笑敖 喜眉笑眼 笑面夜叉 喜笑颜开 哑然失笑 音容笑貌 买笑寻欢 嗔拳不打笑面 哭笑不得 千金买笑 土穰细流 豚蹄穰田 五十步笑百步 笑里藏刀 相...对应英文:Beaming with joy,very happy laugh but faintly with scornful words and jeering smiles make me on the spot a smiling faced demon smile can't help laughing one's voice and expression Maixiaoxunhuan anger fist not dozen smiling cry smile of a woman Turangxiliu expect tremendous return from meager investment fifty smiles 100 hide a dagger behind a smile...

谈笑封侯 啼笑皆非 莞尔而笑 谑浪笑敖 喜眉笑眼 笑面夜叉 喜笑颜开 哑然失笑 音容笑貌 买笑寻欢 嗔拳不打笑面 哭笑不得 千金买笑 土穰细流 豚蹄穰田 五十步笑百步 笑...对应英文:Obtain a high rank easily laugh but faintly with scornful words and jeering smiles beaming with joy,very happy smile make me on the spot a smiling faced demon can't help laughing one's voice and expression Maixiaoxunhuan anger fist not dozen smiling cry smile of a woman Turangxiliu expect tremendous return from meager investment fifty smiles 100 laugh...

后比喻居住在大城市,生活不容易维持。 嗔拳不打笑面 比喻不可以欺凌态度和悦的人。 陈谷子烂芝麻 比喻陈旧的无关紧要的话或事物。 ...对应英文:After the parable of living in a big city, life is not easy to maintain. Chen Taijiquan don't laugh in the face of metaphor can not bully attitude and people. Petty and stale gossip metaphor old words or things be of no great importance. ...


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